The one that ALMOST got away.

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Hey guys this is a Princeton from MB story so I hope you enjoy. The girls in the picture ---> 

(left to right) Jenae and Jessica


I was  sitting there In class not paying attention as usual. Monday morning and I was in my first hour, like did they really expect me to pay attention.

"Jessica Haley Phillips!!" I heard my teacher call my name. This was my least favorite class because Ms. Phillips my step-mother loved to embarrass me. Liked calling my full name.

"Must I remind you that Algebra 2 is for advanced students not many Sophomores  get to take. So act like you belong and pay attention!” She snapped at me.

Really who did she think she was. She was not my mother technically  and I certainly wasn’t going to boss me around like this. I heard snickers from a lot of people. First week here and I’m already famous as the teachers child. It was almost bad as being a PK (preachers kid). One thing got me through it the fact that my best friend Kayla always had my back so did my twin Jenae. And last but not least my BF Craig.

Yeah, yeah I know everyone asks this question. ‘How’d you get a boy friend in two weeks?’ See I moved in with my mom due to bullying issues here in Los Angeles . Then I moved back in with my dad because I was causing too much trouble down there. When I was younger I was constantly compared to my Twin Jenae who was prettier and nicer. Which I thought was bull, because we’re identical.  Sometimes  I was mistaken for her, and it urged me that I was just a mere shadow when I was older than her. People always called me the follower cause they thought I ran behind my sister. Well I was sick of it so one day I was sitting in lunch, I was in the 7th grade sitting alone trying to show I didn’t need my sister. This girl Tay-Tay came up to me. She obviously wanted to fight and I knew it. I didn’t want to start anything physical though so I did what I do best. Insulted. I called out every flaw this girl had started cracking jokes the whole cafeteria was laughing. Except her she had her hands on fist.

-       “Did you want something bucktooth? Or are you here to waste my time?” I remember saying to her. I mean I’m a smart ass’ don’t expect me not to call you on your shit if you’re going to fight me. “Look the follower finally grew a backbone.” She regained herself and put this smirk on her face. I remembered feeling upset by how many people were laughing. My throat closed and I choked up. I literally couldn’t say anything. So I stood here like a idiot. “Tay leave her alone.” My…I guess acquaintance Craig said to her. “Oh sticking up for the follower are we? She’s nothing but scum.” Chante said smiling. I was gonna wipe the smile of her face even if I had to kill her. I remember thinking to myself. I swung hitting her smack in her jaw. She looked shocked I guessed that this was the first time someone had ever stepped to her. And damn right I was about to do it again I raised my arm only to be restricted.

-       The campus cops had been watching and I knew it they always monitored the school. I was hauled into the principles office where she called my parents. They soon found out about the bullying issues and my principle was shocked I didn’t tell. What do you expect me to do broadcast it. Yeah right. ‘ come pick on me guys cause I run home crying to my parents all the time.’ No I was not gonna be that girl. My mom had recently divorced my dad and was moving to New York to follow her dreams of being a fashion designer. I was given the opportunity to stay with her. Obviously I accepted that. Jenae wanted to come with not wanting to be separated from her big sister. She came to me that night and sat on my bed asking my permission to go with her.

-       “Why the hell would I want you to go with me?” I snarled at her. She looked hurt but it wasn’t enough I wanted her to cry liked I cried every day since middle school started.  “now look you better leave before I make you. Mom doesn’t want you there and I sure as hell don’t either so do us both a favor and stay out of our lives!” Mission accomplished but at what price? I didn’t know because soon as that I packed my stuff and left with mom on the way to New York leaving my brothers and a lil sister crying at the airport.

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