Unwanted (bxb) (LBGT) (Mpreg) (D/S)

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Kale's POV

As I walked to school in the pouring rain I ask myself why I even bother. I mean I'm smart and have my choice of any school in America to go to and even some Universities over seas. But here I am walking in the pouring rain to a school I hate filled with people I hate. Why you ask. Well I'm only sixteen and don't even have a drivers license. I don't want to go off to college and not be able to take my self to the store. Public transportation is not my thing. I'm basically invisible to everyone around me. I've been sat on, left stranded and forgotten on a bus.

I couldn't tell you the last time I spoke and to whom it was to. I am like a well oiled machine. I study do my work turn it in and start again. I'm not one of those smart people who jump up and down to answer questions or to parade my intelligence in front of everyone. I just do my work.

At home I stay in my room. I would rather stab my own eye out then deal with a drunken dumb ass of a father and a whinny brat of an older sister and a catatonic mother. They don't even know I'm there anymore. I eat sleep shower and wash my clothes there but they never see me.

It January and I have five months of school left. Where I go and when I go is undecided. But I know it's not going to be here. I hope to never see any of these people again. I know that the reason I'm invisible is just as much my fault as it is there's but I can become a whole new person when I leave here. I can open up make friends find someone to love. Fine someone to love me.

Here is something nobody knows about me. I'm gay. 100% gay. I am not ashamed. I will not hide it and if my town had a parade I would be in it. I honestly don't care what people thing or anything.

As I finally made it to the school the rain had started to lighten up. Imagine that. When I walk it's like people don't see me so I stay as close to the walls as I could. If not I would be walked all over.

"Look out." someone yelled as I was crossing over to my locker. I wasn't worried about them yelling at me so I kept going. That's when something hit the side of my head sending me flying. Did I forget to tell you that I'm only 5 for 6 and 90% of the people in this school are over 6 foot including the girls?

"I'm sorry, little...... guy?" the voice said. What gave it away smart ass the short brown hair and boys clothes or was it the glass and the fact that I'm a BOY?

"Kevin get the ball and throw it back." Sixx White yelled from the other end of the hall.

"Okay." Kevin yelled forgetting me and grabbing the ball. He tossed it down the hall and into Sixx's hands. Me I was struggling to get up because once Kevin moved people walked right over me.

It took me like five tries to actually get up and make it to my locker. Some bruising and bent glasses but other wise alive.

After gathering my books I headed to class. While I waited for the bell I fixed my glasses and dusted off my clothes. This was one of my many blow off classes. Cooking. I had a kitchen to myself and loved it.

"Hey little dude, are you okay? I didn't mean to leave you hanging." Kevin said coming to my section of the class room. I swallowed hard. I wasn't sure if my voice would even work.

"I'm fine, thanks." I said in a rough voice.

"Kevin get over here." Sixx yelled making Kevin jump.

Maybe I should write it down that I actually talked to someone today and see how long it is until I talk again. I chuckled to myself as the teacher instructed us in what we were making today.

I picked the double baked potato for my baking project. I quickly looked up the recipe and got to work. I watched as everyone went into the storage room and picked up what they needed. I made a list of everything I would need. Once most of the people were out of the storage room I made my way in. There was three girls and Sixx left in the room. Needless to say he was busy with all three girls. Gross. I hurried and got all my stuff and headed out of there quickly.

Unwanted (bxb) (LBGT) (Mpreg) some (d/s)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن