"Geez..." the raven-head muttered. "Watch where you-" He looked up and saw Natsu and Lucy. Natsu rubbing his head from the impact, and Lucy getting up from the ground.

"It's Lucy and Natsu..." the bluenette said. "We're so sorry for the trouble. Juvia was just in a hurry..."

"Oh, no..." Lucy said. "We're in a hurry, too."

"Flame-head in trouble again?" the other man asked, causing Natsu to glare at him.

"Shut your trap, Gray!" Natsu growled.

"Wanna fight?" Gray asked.

"You're on!" Natsu smirked.

"Will you two stop it!" Lucy yelled, causing both of them to look at her, before huffing and turning their backs at each other.

"Anyway..." Natsu started. "What's gotten you in such a hurry?"

"W-well, um..." Juvia started nervously. "J-Juvia was going to s-share a snack with Gray-sama in the park..." The bluenette blushed fiercely before adding to herself, 'This is Juvia's chance to win Gray-sama's heart!'

"I see..." Lucy said. "Well, sorry for delaying you then. Come on, Natsu, the storage room is at the ground floor. So quit being such a lazy butt and start moving!" she sneered. Natsu shivered and saluted before marching like a puppet on strings.

Lucy waved good bye to the two as they disappeared from view. She then turned heel and proceeded to walk with Natsu to the storage room.

( _ )

"So, how's the library coming along, Levy?" Yukino asked the bluenette. Levy hummed in reply for a moment, then smiled half-heartedly.

"Business is going good." she said. "Everyone in Magnolia loves books, so we wouldn't have to worry about any crises!"

"I see..." yukino nodded. "Well, that's good to hear!" she smiled back. The two had been chatting all the while, leaving Sting with more annoyance while doing the rest of Lucy's duties.

"Yeah it is!" Levy exclaimed. "So, how are your parents?" she asked yukino.

"Oh, so-so." she replied. "I mean, dad's going away to again on another business trip, so me and mom have the house to ourselves for a while. Then she'll have to leave to attend another meeting off-shore."

"Wow..." Levy said. "Your parents are super busy..."

"Yeah..." Yukino sighed. "But you know, it's what makes them happy!" Levy nodded in agreement, showing support for the girl's words. Then, her phone rang. She pulled the vibrating gadget from her pocket and pressed the answer button.

"Hey shrimp." a man's rough voice called through.

"Stop calling me shrimp, Gajeel!" Levy sneered. "I've grown these past few months, so quit it!"

"Whatever, shrimp." Gajeel responded. "Anyway, are you doing anything right now?"

"No, why?" Levy answered.

"Come by the school yard's Sakura Tree and meet me there. I'm going to give you something..."

"What are yo-" Before Levy could say anything though, Gajeel disconnected from the line, making the bluenette slightly irritated before stuffing the phone back to her pocket.

"What is it, Levy-chan?" Yukino asked. The girl shook her head and smiled.

"Just Gajeel..." she muttered. "He said to go to the Sakura Tree here at school."

"Really? What did he want?" the Yukino asked. The girl shook her head once more before turning away and heading towards the door.

"I really have no idea." Levy said. "So, I guess there's no harm in finding out. See you, Yukino-chan!" Levy opened the door and slid it close before heading outside.

( ^_^ )

As she was walking down the corridor, Levy spotted two people coming her way. One was a woman with scarlet hair, while the other was a man with blue hair and a strange tattoo on his face. Levy smiled and waved at the two, making them wave back.

"Hello, Levy." the red-head said. Levy nodded slight before replying.

"Hello, Erza. Jellal." she said. Jellal smiled softly and gave a small nod. Levy turned her attention back to Erza, who was the last one to leave the meeting, carrying a large, circled green wrapping paper.

"What are you still doing here, Levy?" Erza asked. "Shouldn't you be heading home?"

"Yeah..." Levy answered. "But I'm going to meet with Gajeel right now. He says he's at the school yard so I'm going there."

"I see..." the red-head muttered. "Well, be safe, okay?" Levy nodded before going pass them and heading towards the outside. Meanwhile, Jellal was smirking quietly when he took in the information that it was Gajeel who made Levy go outside.

"Anyway, Jellal." Erza said, turning to him. "I'll be at the Council Room. There are papers that need signing. You can go home if you like." Erza spun and walked to a corner before turning to her left. Jellal stood there for a while, still smirking to himself.

Then, he lifted his collar to reveal a small, black dot-like device embedded in his uniform. He pressed it once, then twice, checking to see if it was still working.

"Hey, guys..." Jellal said through the device. "Everything's going according to plan. Operation G.O.G. is a go!" He didn't wait for anyone's replies, and went to where Erza was headed to. Specifically, the Council room.

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