#7 Midnight Snack

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Taehyung left the house to go and collect Jimin after he had finished throwing up the fruit shots he had just downed, I return to the kitchen and finish slicing the pieces of cake and bring them to the front room. Everybody was having a great time, it was nice to see my brother not worrying about me for once

I place the plate of cake on the table and watch as Taehyung comes back in with Jimin over his shoulder

'Could you help?' I look up to see Taehyung struggling to carry Jimin


Suddenly I remember

My mum being carried out of the car on the day of her death by the fireman

Her body being lifted over his shoulder

A lot like how Jimin is being carried now

Not able to open her eyes

I was calling her name as J-Hope held me close

Tears falling

Wind blowing

In the dark streets

The day when my life ended inside


'Hey Charley are you alright?' Suddenly I am brought back to reality by the sound of a familiar voice

'Mum? Dad?' I struggle to see through my blurred eyes but I can no longer hear the bass of the music or the cheers

'No Charley, it's me J-Hope, you fainted about an hour ago, every one has gone home'

I reach out my hand and feel his in mine, his warm brotherly hands

'I had a nightmare, I saw mum again on that night' I cry into his arms not thinking about anything else

I finally stop crying and look up from J-Hope, I was now in my room, he must have brought me up

'Sorry, I ruined your party' I look at him again, the usual face of worry staring back at me

'Please don't apoligize' He wipes my eyes dry with his thumb and kisses me on the forehead whilst tucking me under the covers

'Get some rest, the boys are staying over tonight but everyone else left, they're sleeping in the living room okay?'

I nod and fall back onto my pillow, dozing off into a sweet sleep

After a couple hours I couldn't rest, I was twisting and turning in my sleep, finding it difficult to find a comfortable spot. I shot up in bed and slipped on my slippers and a baggy top that reached my knees. I headed down the wooden stairs as quietly as possibly so I didn't wake up my brother and headed to the kitchen

I crept into the kitchen and grabbed a glass off the shelf, filling it half way with water and the other half with a lemon flavouring

'Mmmm.. smells so good!' I silently whispher as I take in the citrus scent

After putting away the lemon flavouring I turn on my heels ready to head back upstairs

'Hey' I look into the darkness and make out a tall figure with a husky voice, rubbing his eyes with his fists

Ugh.. Taehyung

'What do you want? I'm going back to bed' I proceed to walk back up the stairs but he stops me in my tracks

'Charley wait' I turn back around to him so now we are facing eachother in the hallway

'What Taehyung?'

'What is up with you? When I first met you, you acted so coldly towards me and didn't want to talk, the next minute you are calling me up for help with Jimin, saying please and thank you to me and now again the cold you?' I look down at my feet not really knowing what to reply with

'I just wanted to know if you were alright, I mean you fainted earlier?' I look at him and see genuine worry in his eyes

'It's nothing, I just don't like people I guess..'

I didn't want to let people into my life, it was much easier being cold and stubborn than being kind and friendly

It was in my nature to do this, to block people out and shut myself down that I didn't realise how much I was killing myself

'I'm going to bed.. don't you dare follow me' With that I quickly leave the kitchen and run up to my room and lock the door


The next morning

I heard voices coming from downstairs, I waked to my bathroom and took a shower to wake me up more. After my shower I applied a little bit of make-up and a top and jeans with my red sneakers and walked downstairs

'Morning princess, I prepared breakfast.' I look towards Jin who was stood at the grill cooking bacon and pancakes

'Oh thanks Jin' I head towards the neatly set table where all of the boys were sat, chatting and stuffing their hungry faces

I sat in the empty seat on the end next to Suga and .... Taehyung

Just my luck

'Morning Charley' J-Hope smiles over at me from the other side of the table

'Morning' I grab a slice of toast and cover it with butter and jam and shove it into my mouth

'Sorry about ruining the party yesterday guys, I don't know what came over me. Guess I'm not used to that much alcohol' I played with the food on my plate not making eye contact until Jimin speaks

'Charley, you didn't ruin the party, we care more about your health right?' The rest of the boys nod their heads in agreement

'Also thanks for helping me yesterday, sorry if I came of as a jerk' I smile and accept his apologie

As the conversation carries on I feel a hand grip onto my thigh from under the table, I look down at the hand and look up to the culprit

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