#3 New faces

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I walked into the canteen and sat on the same table we sat at break time, just me, Alex, Tia, May and Mila. I reached into my backpack and brought out my packed lunch: cold pasta and carrot sticks, my two favorite foods besides pancakes

' Ugh.. That lesson was so tiring, I really hate sport' Alex said whilst nibbling onto some pretzels

'Yeah but that teacher is hot, I mean did you see his arms...' Tia and Mila were both mesmerized by the teacher that they were both gazing into the distance fantasizing over a 30 year old sport teacher

I stretched my arms out after I finished my lunch and packed my lunchbox away, I wasn't  really interested in fangirling over one of my teachers so I plugged my headphones into my mobile and just listened to the songs on shuffle until lunch was over

'I'll catch you guys later, I've got piano lessons after school so I'll see you tomorrow' May skipped off in a hurry with her glossy, brunette strands following behind her

'Yeah catch you guys later, here Charley, my number' Mila walked away with Tia and Alex and left a sticky note attached to my arm with her phone number written in a pink highlighter.

I finally arrived at my last lesson, English. Luckily I knew English like it was my first language as my mother grew up in England and taught me as well as my dad teaching me Korean so for me and J-Hope we were known as the talented students at school.

'Come in students' My English teacher Mr.Ford opened the door and motioned for us to walk in to our seats. I sat down near to the back seeing as I didn't need to concentrate as much as the other Asian students

I decided just to doodle onto my book - a blooming flower. I was so engrossed into the drawing that I didn't realize that somebody was sat next to me watching me draw.

'You're art is really beautiful' He quietly whispers in a low raspy voice as the lesson is still ongoing

I look down as a flush of red grazes my cheeks and close my book in embarrassment

'Are you new? You seem really quiet, I saw you earlier in Maths' He continues to look over to me before I lift my head and open my mouth to speak
'No I-i was here last year...' I look down away at my hands which I twiddle together shyly.

I hated talking to people, new people especially so it was a hard struggle to keep eye contact and to make friends.
It was something I developed after the accident and I hated myself for it because it stopped me doing things I wish I could.

'I don't remember you from last year but you look like someone I know?' He scanned my face trying to figure out who I am before I looked up to him again

My eyes were temporarily glued to his soft features, rosy lips and a sweet smile, I needed to remove my gaze before it made me look like a creepy weirdo

'Yeah, I um... I didn't really attend much last year kind of a personal story sorry...' I started thinking about who he would know that resembled my looks and I remembered my older brother

'Oh you might know my older brother J-Hope, he's um in the year above'

'J-Hope! He's your brother?' He seemed really surprised by the fact that I was related to J-Hope, probably because J-Hope was so cool and admired by all and I was just a nobody

'Yeah, why so surprised?' I muffle waiting for his response but instead he says something that surprises me

'It's just that he is always talking about you and now I have finally met you it's just a shock, your always on his mind, you have a good brother.... Charley was it? Yeah J-Hope mentions you a lot!'

'Yeah, he's great, ever since the accid-' I hault my words to a stop realizing I've already said to much and now I'll have to explain my whole life story

I turn my head away from his gaze and start to doodle again into my notebook hoping he would forget what I nearly just said and concentrate on the lesson

'Don't worry, J-Hope has already explained, I'm not here to judge you if that's what you think and you shouldn't feel ashamed or blame yourself. Anyway how come you aren't joining in the lesson?'

I fidget in my seat trying to understand what he just said.... J-Hope has told him? Who else knows about my past?

'Uh.. I'm fluent in Korean and English, well me and J-Hope are, guess he doesn't tell you everything about our back story huh?' I grunt at him but immediately feel guilty as he's only trying to make me feel better but it's just a sensitive topic to discuss for me

'Oh, he didn't mention, that's pretty cool, quite a talented pair aren't you!' He curves his lips into a slight smile and focuses back to the teacher

Without even talking to him for the rest of the lesson I pack up my things and rush out the door as soon as the bell rings for the end of the day but as I pull out of my seat I notice the words 'Kim Taehyung' written in a very neat, classy hand writing from the corner of my eyes

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