Avoiding the chance of being seen, I leaped from building to building and only ran down empty alleys.

Alice's POV

"Alice!" Julia called out barging into my room.

"How did you get in?"

"Key card. Are you alright?"

"Why do you have my key card, and why wouldn't I be alright?"

"Nathan has gone mad."


"Once he left your suite, he locked himself up in his. He's unstable due to the soul mate bond. I went to go fetch Phoebe to calm him down, but when I returned to his suite he was gone."

"What would that mean?" I asked, worried.

"That an unstable vampire is running around New York City.

I've sent the boys out as a search party."

"As if that'll be enough to find him in a city filled with over 23 million people. Get the other vampires to help."

"I can't."

"And why not?"

"Because, they can't find out about you. If they do, you'll be instantly killed. That would be unacceptable."

"Then what luck will we have finding him?"

"If he happens to kill a ton of people, then we'd have a lead..."

"No wonder why Heather can't stand you, or anyone for that matter.

Can't Phoebe do some of her witchie juju to find him?"

"In a city as populous as this, that's kind of impossible since she doesn't have any items for witchcraft to help her out."

"Would it hurt to try? We could be saving innocent people's lives right now."

"No one's innocent, but you're right. Although, attempting to do this could hurt Phoebe. It's no easy task."

"We've got to do this."

"I know. Come on."

I followed her next door to the suite she shared with Phoebe.

"Any word from the boys?" Phoebe asked solicitously.

"Not one, which is why I came here to ask you to find Nathan with your powers."

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