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  I sat inside with Sophie and played dolls with her and was about to head to the kitchen to get her something to eat when I heard Jamie and his friends outside. I put on my boots and jacket before heading outside to greet my little brother, Sophie jumping ahead of me before falling down the steps.


As soon as she made contact with the ground, she began to cry.

"Mom! Sophie fell again!"

Mom comes outside. Caleb, alongside his brother, stands at the front gate and calls out to Jamie. Mom helps Soph up before heading over to Jamie as I brushed the small blonde girl off.

"You okay Soph?"

She nods and continues on into the yard.

"Jamie, hat? We don't want Jack Frost nipping at your nose."

Mom plunks the hat on his head, tweaking his nose. I turned around, about to add my input when I spot a figure on the fence that almost makes my jaw drop.


His head snaps up and he stares at me, looking equally shocked. I smiled, entertained with his response, and walked up to him while making it seem like I was standing next to Jamie before I raised my hand onto the fence, my fingers brushing up against his ankle. I heard him gasp as I pulled my hand back, cold spreading throughout my body.

"Who's Jack Frost?"

I was about to answer but Mom spoke before I could even really open my mouth.

"No one hunny, it's just an expression."

I heard Jack, behind me, yell out a quick and obviously upset 'hey!' as the boys headed off.

"Tsk. 'Who's Jack Frost?'"

I raised my eyebrow at him as he moved to bend down and grab some snow to make a snowball. He then proceeded to blow on it, making it a light shade of blue. Then threw the snowball, hitting Jamie in the back of the head.

I send Jack a quick glare but he just shrugs, smiling, before he and Jamie himself begin to laugh.

"Okay, who threw that?"

Jack flew over to them, a smile still on his face.

"Well, wasn't Bigfoot kiddo."

I laughed, making him glance at me, his smile widening. Jamie's eyes land on Monty, a kid with glasses. He throws a snowball at the back of the kid's head, knocking him face first into the ground. Pippa, a girl with pigtails, steps forward but gets hit with another one of Jack's snowballs.

"Jamie Bennet! No fair!"

Jamie laughs.

"You struck first!"

Another kid got hit by one of Jack's snowballs, turning it into a 'free for all' as Jack had put it. The white haired boy slides around, making snowballs.

"Alright, who needs ammo?"

He stops beside me before nudging my arm as he nods to the kids, obviously proud of his handiwork.

"Look at that."

The mayhem continues as snowballs fly and Jamie uses his sled as a shield but soon gets knocked over and Pippa hits Cupcake, who then turns around to reveal gunslinger eyes.


"Crud, I hit cupcake."

"She hit cupcake."

"You hit cupcake?"

Jamie lays flat on his back, looking terrified, I was about to go to him but Jack grabbed my arm and sends another wave of cold through me. Cupcake stands over Jamie now and just as things seem like their about to take a real turn for the worst, she gets hit with a snowball from the spirit himself.


"Did you throw that?"


"Wasn't me."

Cupcake then starts laughing and joins in on the kids' fun as they all run off, Jack and I following them. Though while he flies alongside them, I keep myself behind them, a reasonable distance away.

"Hey, come on. Stop!"

"You can't catch me."

Jack jumps ahead, making a sheet of ice behind him.

"Ooh, little slippery!"

Jamie then falls with his sled and Jack guides him through the town, giving me a couple of scares here and there. In the end Jamie lands safely in a large mound of snow as Jack jumps onto the Statue of Thaddeus Burgess.

I blocked out the other kids as I stared at Jack, who shortly took notice and smiled.

"You can really see me?"

I nodded.

"I've believed in you since I was a little girl. By the way, I'm Natalia, Natalia Bennett. Jamie's sister."

He nodded, his smile only widening as I turned back around while standing next the statue he stood upon.

"Whoaaa! Did you guys see that? It was amazing! I slid - I did a jump and I slid under a car­-ERF!!"

A sofa from the moving van suddenly knocks Jamie down and I send another glare towards Jack.

He grimaced.


Jamie rises up from behind the sofa grinning, a new gap in his smile as he holds up the missing tooth and the kids then go on about The Tooth Fairy, bringing mine and Jack's smiles down.

"Oh, no..."

The kids continue on, ignoring Jack.

"Ah, wait a minute! Come on, hold on, hold on! What about all that fun we just had? That wasn't the Tooth Fairy, that was me!"

As Jack looks down from the statue his frustration grows and storm clouds form overhead, rumbling and darkening the sky as flurries of snow begin to intensify.

I reach out to him.


But he ignores me and jumps down from the statue, trying to get the kids to notice him but they run off.

Jack blocks Jamie's way as they run towards him.

"What's a guy gotta do to get a little attention around here?!"

Jamie then runs straight through him, leaving him shaken. My eyes sadden at him as I walk towards him, grabbing his hand. He looks down at me with a small, sad upturn of his lips as the kids walk away before he gives a small squeeze to my hand and flies off. I watch him fly away, biting my lip, before turning to walk off after the children running down the street.


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