Chapter Two

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I could faint. God must be punishing me. I almost, almost stepped back in surprise had I not been over this a million times. I am a new man now. Sort of.  I fear nothing. Well maybe not nothing, but still. I let my guard down for no one. I am soon to be alpha. I am strong, I am fearless, I am a leader. No one shall take that away from me. No one. Not even him. I continue to pep talk myself.

"Long time..." I said, smirking. "...Kaiden?"

He smiled, a breath taking smile. I lightly gulped. "Do--Lane."

"Gonna be alpha soon as well I take it?" Well seems like he heard.

"Yes." was all he said. He was looking at me with an intense stare. Heat was forming its way up to my cheeks. It is time to go.

Awkward. I slapped him on the shoulder. "Good luck to you man."

The touch sent electric tingles up my arm. Kaiden looked taken by surprise. Ignore it Lane, ignore it. Just keep walking.

"Lane!" a voice boomed, and almost made me jump. "Come show us the craw mgraw move."

I abruptly turned around and started walking away. I looked back over my shoulder at Kaiden. "See you around maybe."

Then I walked away, unable to hear him mumbling something.

"Maybe..." he whispered.

They said he was back. I almost couldn't believe it. I had to see for myself.

My house was packed. I walked through the kitchen and heard a few girls giggling 'he's so cute'. I knew who they were talking about instantly. I felt old feelings start to rise again. My parents would kick me out of the pack, disown me if they knew. I couldn't have that. This was practically all I had left. To become alpha. I heard growling rippling through the air. It came from the back yard. I ran outside. First I saw Alpha Mike and his wife, followed by the rest of their pack. I didn't see him. That's when I noticed what everyone was looking at. Zach and... no it couldn't be. Could it? No. This wolf was way bigger than Don. He moves so graceful, so instinctual. I watched them battle. That's when I heard someone say something that proved me wrong.

"You're boys a natural Mike." my dad said. "He just needed time to bloom."

I stared at the wolf. Nice shinny grey fur with blue tints. His toned legs and... all of a sudden the fight was over.

Zach was pinned to the ground while Donny's mouth was around his throat. Zach was squealing like a little bitch. It was over. Then in one graceful move he shifted back. Lord kill me now if I said he wasn't nice to look at! His hair dropped around his shoulders slightly down the lining of his back. The muscles that seemed ready to rip. My gazed traveled lower and lower. I mean I'm not a pervert but, I just couldn't seem to look away. Then he was sliding clothes on. Girls groaned in disappointment. I had the urge to growl at them. Force them to look away. Before I could help myself I walked towards him until I was right behind him. And man has he grew.

Soon enough he turned around and we were face to face.

6 hours later...

Everyone was gone and I stayed after to help clean. A few guys still lounging in the room. I had a black trash bag in my hand and scooping up cups and plates in the other. I had my earphones in tuning everything else out.

Soon enough Zach was in my view. Still looking like shit.

"Don Don!" he sneared, walking closer.

It didn't really bother me. I smirked. "Zachy Poo!"

He hissed. "Watch it."

I growled. "No! You better watch who you are talking too."

He stepped forward. I raised my eyebrow. Then a growl echoed throughout the room. No, the whole house. Zach's eyes flickered to the doorway behind me and he went still, his eyes glazing. Then he started to slowly smile.

"You better wipe that smirk off you're face, Mclean." my sister's voice boomed as she came to stand beside me.

He stopped smiling and stared at her. I knew that look.

He stepped towards her. Bad move on his part. I sprung forward and tackled him to the ground. I was growling so loud it was weird. I knew my eyes were changing and my canines were sliding free.

"Dumbass!" a guy said, laughing. "Why can't you learn the first time Zack?"

A few people laughed. His eyes widened a little then squinted into a glare.

"Try it!" I whispered, "And there will be one less member of the pack."

"Stop it Lane!"

My whole body seemed to freeze at the sound of his voice. Kaiden. I looked up to see him staring at me. His blue eyes holding amusement, and something I couldn't quite get.

I slowly let Zach go, not once taking my eyes off Kaiden. I walked backwards until I felt Ronnie grasp my hand in hers. Kaiden let out a low growl. It looked as if he was burning holes into me and Ronnie's hands. He seemed to recollect himself enough to walk forward and yank Zach up by his hair.

"Ouch!" Zach yelled. "Dammit, that hurts."

"Are you trying to get you're ass kicked again?" Kaiden asked.

"That was a fluke." Zach said, throwing daggers my way.

Kaiden smirked. "Really?"

Zach grumbled something under his breath.

"You will leave them be." Kaiden said.


"YOU WILL LEAVE THEM BE!" Kaiden yelled, using his alpha voice. Zach flinched and bowed his head. "Okay?" Kaiden let him go and he stumbled back.

As soon as Kaiden looked away Zach mouthed, "Watch your back."

Ronnie smirked and raised her free hand to wiggle goodbye.

My gaze sauntered back toward Kaiden. He was staring at me again. His stare was so intense I reached up and touched my face to see if something was on it. He saw my movement and slowly smiled.

'There's nothing on you're face.' his voice sounded in my head.

What the fuck.

'Yes, I can hear you're thoughts. We have a mind link.'

'Talk out loud.' I said. 'Ronnie's looking as if we went mental.'

He chuckled. Everyone cleared the room now.

'I got it from here.' he said. 'Take you're sister home.'

"Thanks." I said, out loud. I grabbed Ronnie's hand tighter into mine. Kaiden made a low growl in his throat. I looked over in surprise.

"My throat's dry." he simply stated.

I let Ronnie tug me out the house. "Am I missing something?"

"No." I said too quickly.

"You guys were having mind sex." she squealed.

I choked on air. "What?"

I swear I heard Kaiden laughing in the house.

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