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The next two weeks came and both girls managed to get their FASAs in. Within days, they were both approved for a certain amount of financial aid because they were married. Their little scheme had become a success.

Living together also turned out to be better than expected. Dinah actually enjoyed the company of Lauren. The only downside of being roommates was the fact they were both very, very terrible at keeping and maintaining a clean apartment.

Lauren was almost certain plates in the sink hadn't been washed in a week.

Regardless of a non-clean apartment, the two were living up the whole marriage thing. By saying they were newlyweds at places, they were able to score free food, free drinks and even free gifts.

It was an establishment's way of saying gratitude, or whatever the hell that meant.

"How many classes are you taking again?" Dinah inquired, her fingers tapping lightly against the surface of the diner table.

The two were, once again, going to try and score themselves another free dinner.


"Shut the frick up, seriously?"

Dinah's determination to never actually say curse words would always be a mystery to Lauren, but she found it to also be endearing for some reason. Before she could reply, the waiter had returned, his notebook and pen ready to take in their orders. Having already done it before, Lauren knew exactly what to say to score themselves a free dinner, "I was just wondering," She began, "My wife," She took Dinah's hand in her own, her thumb rubbing a small circle on the back of Dinah's hand, "and I are newlyweds and we were both wondering if you guys offered like a... free dinner as some sort of gratitude kind of thing?"

"You two are married?" The waiter asked, completely ignoring Lauren's question. "Where's your wedding rings?" He eyed their hands suspiciously, mentally taking note that neither wore one.

Lauren cursed under her breath. Wedding rings were one thing they still needed to get. "Listen, we're poor college students who can't afford fancy ass wedding bands. We love each other and got married. Isn't that enough? It's not like I can carry around our goddamn marriage certificate to show you fuckin' proof that we're married!"

As soon the words left her mouth, she knew there was no way in hell they were going to get a free dinner.

"Ma'am, you need to calm down." The waiter said in an almost condescending tone which irked Lauren.

She narrowed her eyes at the waiter, not fully understanding why someone who looked clearly younger than her thought it would be a good idea to refer to her as ma'am, "Did you seriously just call me ma'am?" She said. She was about to drop a verbal whipping on this punk, "First off, you look like you're fucking sixteen." She motioned to his entire being with her hands, "Second of all, I don't need to fuckin' calm down when you're insinuating that I'm not married to the hot piece of Polynesian ass right next to me!"

Things had gone from 0 to 60 real quick and Dinah wasn't sure how it happened. One minute they were trying to scam their way into getting a free dinner, the next Lauren was about ready to murder their waiter. To save both of themselves from further embarrassment, she decided to take things into her own hands, "You know what?" Dinah stated, as she started to get up from her seat, "I'm not feelin' this place. Don't bother taking our orders, especially if you're gonna be an asshole and question if we're married." Dinah tugged on Lauren's hand, motioning her to follow suit which she quickly did.

"I guess we can cross that place off our list for free dinners." The Latina said with a frown once they were outside. Her hand went to her stomach which emitted a low growl. Yeah, she was hungry. "Being in that joint made me hungry, shit." She said as she got into the driver's seat of her car.

Can You Marry Me? (Laurinah)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora