Chapter 5 - Taking baby steps

Start from the beginning

“Let’s get to this game room of yours, mon amour. You seemed keen to play a few games, yes?” André remarked with a smirk on his face that would make outsiders of our previous conversation think about something a lot different than a simple video-game.

Josh’ nostrils flared at the little endearment that André had pestered me for years with while I tugged him along past the two men and towards the game room. I chuckled when I felt eyes on me and had to bite my lip when André decided to place his hand on my butt right at that moment.

The ‘feint’ curse rang through the room, followed by Richard talking in on Josh before we made out way in the game room, where Ellie was already looking at a movie. “Oh, hi! Who are you?” she chirped when she looked up and noticed André. He started to say something but I interrupted him by pushing him down on the floor and threw a controller at him.

“He’s a friend and we’re going to play a game Ellie. It’s a no-kiddies game too.” I stated as I quickly slid the ‘Medal of Honor- Tier One’ disk in the console before I found my place beside André. Ellie’s eyes widened before she said, “The blood and shooting game? You know that Sage and Laura play that too!”

She ran off, probably to go find my other siblings while I started up the game and played one round with André, who was sitting a bit close to comfort. Laura walked in soon after Ellie came back, rolling her eyes when she noticed the presence of André.

“I didn’t think you’d actually go through with the idea bro’. You know this can backfire as well?” I glanced at her before cursing when my guy was shot in the game, throwing my hands up in annoyance. “You could’ve told that before I invited someone in! And what do you mean with that?”

“What do you mean with what, Davy?” I pursed my lips and turned around before smiling wickedly when I noticed Josh standing beside Sage, who was looking from André to me and back again. He eventually just shook his head and walked into the room without further question or comment.

My eyes were drawn back to the muscle of a man, who was still standing in the doorway, holding his teammates up until Richard simply pushed him in the room. “So, what’s going on in here?” Declan asked, his brown eyes twinkling with curiosity while his charismatic smile slid over his face.

Sage chuckled, nearly getting a controller in the face when Laura tossed it a bit too enthusiastically towards him before he caught it. “We all have a ritual where we have some game time with the family, though we usually wait with the grown up games when Ellie’s asleep, Davy.”

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