[ 16.2 ]

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'There is no need, Legolas, as I have said, this is just a scratch. And besides, Safirah's not that bad, look at her, she's doing her best.' Aramis stood to don his clean clothes as I gathered the towel. 'Alfred will wake up soon. He will tell us more about this Black Rider. Your father sent his scouts to trace our paths, perhaps they will be back before dusk.'

'The Black Rider?' I asked rounding my eyes. 'Did he give you these wounds?'

'No, Safirah,' Aramis gathered my hands as he explains, 'we were ambushed by Orcs when a dragon came, it has a rider. He was a man clothed in black, wearing a dragon helm.' He motioned towards Legolas wearing a worried look. 'I thought your king father took care of that barbaric tribe long time ago, it seems a few of them survived.'

'The Northman is dead, rest assured.'

'Perhaps he had siblings, still breathing elven air, lurking down a hollow deep beneath the ice. Or perhaps a son, riding a black fire breathing serpent?'

'Perhaps,' Legolas said. 'If that is true, then the men of Dale will be up for a hunt once again.'

The two stood side by side, Aramis staring sideways at Legolas while the later pretended to be watching the burning candles on the bedside.

'But I thought dragons are gone,' I stood behind Aramis.

'They were never gone,' Legolas said tilting his head to me. 'At least there is one that lived. You may go now, child. Aramis and I have matters to discuss.'

'He is hurt,' I turned to him. 'Can't you see he needs rest?' I looked into his eyes and I felt my heart melting again, only this time it was melting sadly. I've waited for him and now he's back with another girl. This feeling brought strange pounding in my chest so strong that I am losing my composure.

I have too many questions for him but different words came out of my lips. 'I'll fetch your food and I'll be back soon, please take a rest and lay down,' I said to Aramis.

'I'll go with you,' he smiled. 'We can discuss later, Legolas, and don't bother sending a doctor, I've got all I need.' Then Aramis took the basin off my hands and we walked out the room.

It hurts to walk away from Legolas, how I longed to talk to him. He didn't follow us, it was the least thing I'd expected. Obviously, he wouldn't care. Aramis followed me closely and we climbed down the stairs and head straight to the kitchen.

I knew I should keep my distance from him, but Aramis is a good friend, and he never rejected me once. Serving him is the only payment I could give.

'You mentioned about a tribe, what did you mean,' I asked as we walked down the hallway.

'There was a clan once, thriving Northest of Mirkwood. It was said that the Rangers of the North were fairly odd and mysterious folks, rumors of magic and dragons spread across lands. One day, King Thranduil discovered the truth behind the rumors, and he charged his army North.'

'He killed them all?' I gasped.

'No, Safirah, 'King Thranduil is a wise King, though he's quite sarcastic and extremely rude to Dwarves, he wouldn't stain his hands with pety human blood. Instead, he summoned my father and let him deal with it. My father went North to see the threat for himself, he tried to persuade the chief to win an ally but the Northman resisted. They were too proud and arrogant, believing they could rule the with strange magic and taming goblins and beasts - they were wrong.'

'So, what happened to them?'

'Father reasoned with the king, telling him a dragon's egg is no threat to his realm. King Thranduil thought otherwise. I don't know what he told my father but the next day, the Dale's army stormed their little town. A few survived, and the woodland Elves hunted them down, one by one until none remained.'

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