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It took half an hour to dress myself and gather my thoughts. The servant elf gave a new set of ranger clothes with similar colors, olive green ranger dress, dull brown pants and boots made from boiled animal skins. I braided my hair at one side, leaving a few strands hanging down my cheeks.

I felt heavy. I have soaked myself for hours and it wasn't good at all.

The dawn was breaking and I went down as Legolas ordered. At the living room, he was conversing with a servant in a strange language and so I  muffled my steps like a cautious cat climbing down the stairs. Aramis came out of the kitchen with Rod and Gimli, if they knew what happened, I daren't think.

'Are you alright?' Aramis must have noticed my uneasiness. I returned a nod and a thin smile. 'I hope you had enough rest, you will need it.'

I hope everyone else doesn't know, (otherwise, embarrassment will torture me for the rest of my life) I have been careless, too much it cost me my pride. And when I was just right on the floor, Legolas motioned for the door and everyone followed him. I tugged along as if nothing happened. Why do I always have a feeling that I am in trouble? I kept my thoughts unspoken as I shadowed behind Aramis. We swept the narrow stone bridge, down to the courtyard and climbed up the huge gazebo, to where the council was waiting for us. Elrond was the Lord of Rivendell, I heard his name from Gimli, and some elves were of high born, all mysterious and majestic beings.

My steps became heavy again, something was dragging me back, perhaps I am just anxious, I was never extremely shy until today. Or perhaps, fear. I fear Legolas more. I don't want him to stare at me again with those intense gray eyes.

My burden was lifted upon seeing the old man, standing quietly beside the Lord of Rivendell, clothed in white robes with matching pointed hat topped his head.

'Gandalf!' I gasped. With my confidence slightly raised, I went ahead to greet him. 'I'm glad you've  returned.'

'Safirah, how are you child?' Gandalf smiled.

I wanted to tell him how cold Legolas was but the elf gave me a warning glance. 'All is well, Gandalf, Legolas taught me well. I couldn't be more grateful.'

'Did he?' he chuckled, walking towards me. He gave the other wizard a glance and he went to introduce his friend to Elrond. 'My Lord, I think we should get started and discuss this matter while the day is still fresh. Pallando have seen darkness creeping from the North, we must prepare for the winds of winter. Soon, cold wind will blow South and we must act swiftly.'

Another wizard caught my attention. He was not as old as Gandalf, wearing blue robes, the color of deep ocean, his hat was of the same color and his jeweled staff as bright as the morning sky.

I bowed in respect.

'Orcs, pale-skinned. Ruthless twisted creatures. They plundered many Northeners  in just five weeks. They thirst for blood. We must send troops at once, my Lord,' says another elf wearing a golden elvish armour.

'Our army will be vulnerable inside those enemy's territories, I say we fortify our army and prepare for the inevitable. Structure the battlefield to our advantage and gather more strength as we wait,' says another.

'We cannot wait. Our enemies grow in numbers, getting stronger everyday. The longer we sit, the stronger they will become,' Legolas interrupted.

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