Chapter 19: HUNT

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***I recommend you play the song after reading this chapter***

'Where are we?' I sniffed.

The sun was out and we've been flying for a hours. We drifted East and followed the river North, traced the lush and green hills and valleys of Anduin down the thick old forest. I am bleeding, my wound was quite deeper than I thought, a slash on my right leg and a cut on the muscle of my upper arm. I couldn't ride all the way home like this. I am losing my strength, my vision blurred. 'I need my wounds wrapped and cleaned, you need to drop me off somewhere near a settlement.'

'And the hunt?'

'Curse the hunt, no one saw my face, yet, and I fear I couldn't make it past the Misty Mountains. You have to trust me.'

The dragon didn't oppose, Miraak leaned and turned towards the valleys, down the thick forest and the lush meadows, we flew fast and let the wind carry us North . There must be someone living in this part, brave ones for certain. I've heard that there were men living in Carrock, but I don't know where to find the place. The sun was high but the air was still cold, it smelled leaves and earth.

Finally, I spotted a small village near the river, I saw hope, of all things I wanted to keep, hope is the least I would give up. The dragon drifted over the tree-tops, careful and steady as I released it. I could afford another fall this time.

'Where will you be hiding?' I whispered.

"I am a dragon, Sah...fih..rah, I do not hide without a deep reason."

'I trust you, serpents have extraordinary senses for danger, I suppose, I trust that you would know if hunters come near.'

'A dragon does not fear hunters, vaurg, for a dragon's breath is death itself.'

'right! Of course.' I almost forgot Miraak feasts on lighting, killed thousands, a fearsome black serpent who happened to be incredibly proud and occasionally boastful too!.. 'All right, my friend, I'm ready for a fall.'

'I can only protect you as much as you would want to protect yourself. Fear not to wet your hands with enemy's blood, each would you take will make you braver, bolder. Seek when danger comes.' The dragon dropped me off the thickest tree I saw, then I made my way down to the ground as fast as I can. My wounds bled some more, hands were shaking hard, numbed and hurt.

Down the ground, I took my cape and helm off, then snaked out of the forest as fast as I can. I stumbled a few times, my strength draining fast. I need to get to the village quick! Before I lose my breath. I cannot give up now, never.

It took me almost half an hour to reach the edge of the forest, tired and hungry. I paused to gather my strength, overlooking the village down the valley, there were less than a dozen houses, it's a small one. This must be the Boernings of Carrock. I heard their tolls are high. 'They wouldn't hurt a girl,' I told myself, and I slid down the slope towards the village. The tall grass made my landing smooth, and up I trudged towards the settlement with one hand pressing on my wound on my left arm.

I prayed I didn't come to the wrong place, a part of me was worried that I'm actually walking towards death. The vales of Anduin is a treacherous place, only a few would be brave enough to live in these parts. It's terrible enough to be hunted for a crime I didn't do, it is worse to get killed trying to help those who hunted me.

Why am I really doing this? Legolas once told me I am pretending to be strong, I thought I was, but now, I'm starting to doubt myself. I've done the right thing, I always have, and all I got hated in return. As I drew near, I saw few men planting and tending their vegetable garden front of their yards. 

Few folks took notice, and finally, one woman had enough compassion to throw her arms around me. She dashed to meet me with worries eyes

'Oh dear, what happened to you?' she was the first one to show concern, a tall middle aged woman dressed in plain brown tunic and dull brown skirt. Her eyes were brown and freckles scattered all over her pale skin like tiny pebbles on snow.

' me. Please.'

There were few people, humans, watching me approach the village's wooden fence. 'Beom, come, quick!' the woman called, and a boy came running to us. He caught me before I stumbled to the ground. 'To the house.'

I didn't have to say more, they both helped me get into the house and laid me down on a wooden bench, then the woman sent the boy to fetch a basin and cloths. I looked at her, thankful, her brown eyes were filled with compassion. 'Hold still, child, you've lost so much blood.'

'Water...I need water. Please.'

A young girl came with a tankard and I drank to quench my thirst. The woman pressed my wounds, I bit my lips as I moaned, hoping it would lessen the pain the least. I heard her rip my sleeves when the boy came, then she cleansed my wound with warm cloth and water. I hissed again, holding my scream as I covered my mouth with my other hand. The pain was too much to take and my head suddenly felt heavy. Until, I couldn't understand what she was saying, her words blew like murmurs to my ears.

I felt her hands on my shoulders, shaking me hard to keep me awake.

My thoughts flew back home, to father, to everyone who loved and cared for me. I deliberately disobeyed him. Father would understand, he always does. Father loves noone more than he loved me, and somehow, I betrayed him.

How could I be so foolish? I stared blankly at the ceiling, seeing nothing but blurr and the shape of a beings trying to keep me together. I heard nothing but the beating of my heart and the sound of my heavy breathing. My heart bled for Legolas, even in my deepest moment, hope still lingers somewhere in my heart.

I love him to my very last breath, even he doesn't love me back, even if he wont.

'I'm sorry...father,' I whispered to myself, refusing to shut my eyes tight...darkness followed until consciousness finally left me.


Continue to part 2...

Song: Reign of the Septims
Composer: Jeremy Soule

The IRE of WinterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora