Katie-Anne smirked.

Uh oh...

“Is my big, STRONG man off to get all hot and sweaty from a hard day’s work?” she asked flirtatiously, biting her lip.

I damn near went crazy. 

What is she doing? Is she TRYING to turn me on? What is with her?!?

I swallowed and nodded.

“But what am I going to do without him? I might get lonely, and THEN what?” she pouted.

“Katie...” I whined. This girl was trouble.

“Oh well.....I guess A.J. will be here. I could always talk to him.”


With that, I swooped her up in my arms bridal style.

“You are trouble, Miss Katie-Anne. But you are MY trouble. End of story.” I kissed her.

She giggled. “What time is work?”

“From 9:00-4:30.” I said.

“Okay, so dinner will be at 6. That will give you enough time to come home and wash up right?”

I laughed.

“Why are you laughing at me?” she pouted.

“It’s enough time, but how is dinner going to happen? Are we going out?”

“Nope!” she said, popping the ‘p’ “I’m making dinner.”

“Are you sure?” I asked, warily.

“YES! I am a phenomenal cook!” she said.

“Okay, then!” I said.

“Okay, mister. It’s time for a power nap. So put me down and march your ass to bed!” she demanded.

“Feisty!” I teased.

She crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow at me.

“Fine!” I said, surrendering.

I carried her back into the bedroom, and dropped her on the bed.

“Oh NO you don’t!” Katie-Anne giggled “You’re going to sleep! So get your goofy butt down here and sleep!”

I smiled, but complied. I was actually very tired, and needed a good nap.

“Wake me up at 8, okay?” I asked.

“I will.” she promised.

“You should probably sleep too.” I said.

“No. Once I’m up, I’m up for at least 4 hours.” she said. “Now go to sleep.”

“Goodnight. I love you.”

“I love you too.”

And within seconds, I was out.


“Will? Wake up, Sweety! It’s 8:00!!!!”

I groaned. “No it’s not.”

“Yes it is!!!!”

I was about to argue some more, but the delicious aroma of food woke me up in an instant.

“Alright, princess. Whatever you say.” I stretched.

“Come get your breakfast before it gets cold, Bedhead!” Katie-Anne giggled.

I inhaled the mouth-watering scent.

“Mmmmmmmmmmm.” I groaned “Smells so good!”

“Well, come and eat!” she left the room.

I yawned and stretched.

Today is going to be a good day.

I got out of bed and made my way to the kitchen table.

“Eat up!” Katie-Anne chirped.

I looked at my plate. Pancakes, waffles, scrambled eggs, sausage, bacon, fruit salad, and homemade hash browns.

“Oh, my God, Katie-Anne! You didn’t have to make all of this!!!!!”

“I know.” she smiled as she poured me a glass of orange juice.

I took a bite of pancakes, and nearly died.

“Oh, man! What did you put in these?”

“It’s pecan pie filling wrapped in buttermilk pancakes. Do you like it?” her eyes looked worried.

“Like it, no...”

Her face dropped.

“I LOVE IT!” I grinned.

Her face lit up.

“I’m glad you like it!”

I finished everything on my plate and half of a second plate. My head was begging me to keep eating, but my stomach had other ideas.

“Ugh! I’m STUFFED!!!!” I said.

“Well, you weren’t supposed to eat more than your one plate, Doofus!” Katie giggled.

“I couldn’t help it! It was too good!!!!”

She smiled.

“Oh, by the way, Molly called. They stayed at her house because she lives closer to the theatre.” she said, clearing dishes.

“Babe, you don’t have to do my dishes too.” I said.

“What if I said I wanted to do the dishes?” she challenged.

I smirked. “I would say ‘Too bad’ because you made the meal, and I am doing the dishes.”

“Alright. I guess that’s okay. I washed most of them before I woke you up anyways.” she stuck her tongue out at me.

I rolled my eyes and caught sight of the laundry room.

“You did laundry too?!?!?! Damn, woman! You make me feel like I’m taking advantage of you living here!”

Katie-Anne laughed. “Oh, shut up and go shower. You have to leave for work in 30 minutes.”

I leaned down and kissed her. “Thank you for breakfast. And for doing laundry.”

“No big deal. Now go clean up!” she commanded.

“Yes, Ma’am!” I said and I went to shower.

I am the LUCKIEST guy on the whole damn planet! I get a girlfriend who is so kind, beautiful, and an amazing cook! I need to do something special for her birthday next week. OH! I’ve got it!!!!!

**End Of Chapter**

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