Chapter 6- Everyone.

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He stares at me blankly for a while. His mouth twitches and his eyes were getting red. "Out of all people..." He mumbles, looking away. He said something after that but I couldn't hear threw the noise. He takes a deep breathe and starts running in the opposite direction of me. "Wait what?" I say, reaching out my hand, trying to grip his shirt. I failed however.

I start to breathe heavily. I started to spin in circles, not caring about who I was touching. "Jack!" I would scream every second I could. I stop myself. I am feeling woozy, and I can barely breathe. Heavy breaths I take as I start to stagger out of the crowd. It feels like a million degrees, but it's bloody September! I take another heavy breath and collapse to the ground, gripping the hot road. "What's happening?" I ask my self. I crawl to the curb and I start to feel like needles have been poking every inch of my brain. I start to cry too. My eyes slowly shut and everything goes black.

I wake up in a scream, suddenly throwing myself up from the hard surface I was on. "Oh thank god." I see Jack who was holding my hand take a deep breath. "Wh-what happened?" I asked, looking around. I was in what looked like a bedroom, but I can't be to sure. 

"Lily found you." He said, concern filled his eyes. "She took you home,but no one was there so I stayed with you." he took a big gulp after he said that. Yet, that was impossible, There was no way Lily could've carried me here. "Anyway-" Jack said getting up from the edge of the bed I was on. "Your mom will be home soon, until there I was thinking I could just chill in your room with you." He said smiling while pulling the blanket closer to me.

It seemed like the questioned I asked him before erased from his mind. "I'm bi." He said like he suddenly remembered. "I never told anyone this, not even my closest friends." He said glancing at my face once in a while. "I just felt that maybe if I told someone..." His eyes fill up again. I quickly get up, my whole body aches but I don't care. I walk a few steps over to him and wrap my arms around his neck. 

"Thank you." He says, hugging me back. We kinda just stand there holding each other for a while, I even resit the urge to start rocking back and forth. Finally, I pull back, and take my hand and wipe away some tears. "Jack, I will support you no matter what. Even if that maybe means that it is not with me." I glide my fingers threw his hair. It was soft, and obviously he washed it. He looked at me and said "I want you to be there with me." and took my hand and placed it in his.

I smile for a second, and then a sharp pain attacks my brain. I open my eyes and scream. Bright lights were in every corner. I start to cry. It was just a dream, I thought, taking a reliving sigh. Someone to my right is holding my hand, I am on a hard surface, being rushed somewhere. I look to my right, it was Jack and he was looking straight ahead. "I'm not... you know." Jack said like he knew I was awake. Maybe i t was the scream. But maybe that was a dream to. "Where am I?" I asked. "The hospital. I'm sorry Dani." he says, continuing to not look me in the eye and holding my hand. 

I am hustled threw big, doors. And another person comes to grab my other hand. "You're going to be okay ma'am, we are sure of it." I'm pretty sure it was a surgeon. My head ached crazily, and my throat felt tight. "I just want to go home." I say to myself. I had no idea what was going on, but my eyes close shut again.


A/N: Okay, so maybe this chapter is a little confusing... That's what I'm here to explain! So, Jack gets all offended and runs off. Dani tries to look for him but ends up feeling sick. She closes her eyes, and starts to dream that she is with Jack but it seems all too real. She wakes up in the hospital, and is being rushed into a room. Yet, Jack is right by her side. So really we don't really know what Jack's sexuality is at the moment. I hope you enjoyed it! Comment if you need me to clarify other things! Stay gucci! :)

Make Me Smile (a thatsojack fan fic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon