Chapter 27

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Rei's POV:

I'm freaking out.

Key had left right after what happened which left me with my thoughts and his dogs. I'm not a big dog person but I'm getting use to both Comme Des and Garçons. But thats not why im freaking out. The thought of actually being in Korea is settling in. Also the fact that I'm staying with Key, in his apartment, just the two of us, alone together is making me insane. Of course his dogs are also here but I can't count them as actual people even if Key calls them his children. But I have to admit they keep me company better than he does.

"It's been 6 hours and your father still hasn't come back yet." I said to Comme Des who was laying next to me on the couch as I watched Karneval.

He whimpered and scooted closer to me laying his head on my leg.

"I know, I miss him too. But don't tell him that because he's mean and a pain in the butt."

After finishing 2 more episodes of Karneval I decided it was about time to feed Comme Des and Garçons. I got up and walked to the kitchen searching for some dog food followed by the dogs. My phone suddenly rang as I had my head in a cabinet. I took it out of my pocket and answered it and continued to look.

"Hello?" I said.


My head hit the top of the cabinet.

"What was that noise?" Key asked as I rubbed my throbbing head.

"What noise?" I tried to make it seem like nothing happened.

"You hit your head didn't you?" He sighed. I can already imagine him shaking his head right now.


I took my head out of the cabinet and closed it. I was not risking any other injury's right now. I sat down on the kitchen floor.

"Anyways, I need you to get ready, we're going out."


"Yes, I know you don't do this thing called 'going out' but I do and you're coming with me."

I groaned into the phone. "But I don't want to~" I whined in a high voice.

"But I don't care~" He imitated my voice. "I'm coming in an hour so hurry up."

"Wait, but where are we goin-"

"Bye, jagiya~" he sang through the phone.


"Should I wear this outfit?" I showed Garçons the clothes in my hands. He tilted his head in a confused manner. "I'll take that as a no." I lied the clothes back into the bed which had about 7 different outfits laying on top of it as well. "How about this one?" I picked up the farthest outfit. "Key said this outfit would make even Jeremy Scott fall to his knees for it, whatever that means." I got no response from the dog.

Might as well.

I quickly got changed and put the rest of the clothes away. This outfit seemed a bit much on me but then again all of Key's clothes were a bit much for me so we will probably match. I looked around for my shoes but I couldn't seem to find them anywhere. Even if I do find them I bet Key would yell at me for wearing converse with this outfit. Maybe I shouldn't even worry about it right now since I'm already worried enough to be going out into Korea with Key.

I crawled onto Key's bed and sighed as I landed on a pillow. I should take this time to squeeze in an episode of Karneval. Key should be here in 10 minutes and a whole episode is about 24 minutes long, I could probably finish it in time. But my iPad is still in the other room and I'm too lazy to get up.

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