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{Chapter Eight}


I squint into the morning sun. I roll over in my bed, picking up my phone from the night stand. It’s 6:30. Michael told me I should get to the bathroom early, since I’m not assigned to a special one that is only for me, like most YouTubers have. I get up and make my bed, closing my curtains a little so it’s not as bright. I grab a towel and some clothes and dash to the bathroom Michael, Tom and I share. Poor Tom, having to share with other people, it’s a shame. I laugh quietly to myself as I lock the door. I take a quick shower and change and dash to Michael’s room before he wakes up. I sit on his bed, and then let all hell loose. “MICHAEL!!! GET UP, IT’S OUTING DAY!” I say. He mumbles something that I can’t understand. I nod and run to Caitlyn and Dan’s door. I’m just about to open the door when I realize that Caitlyn isn’t my girlfriend anymore. I don’t own her; I can’t call her any of my many pet names. She’s no longer Aya to me (This was because I wanted her name to be closer to my sister Iya’s), she’s Caitlyn Meghan Padilla. I can’t bear to think that someday she could be Caitlyn Meghan Howell. Ugh. Enough of Dan and Caitlyn, I'm just going into their room, because #YOLO. I run in, and see Caitlyn’s head on Dan’s chest. She used to do that to me. Sigh. “DANYUL, AYA, GET UP!” I scream. Caitlyn sits up and smiles, looking flawless as always. She laughs. ‘I haven’t been called that since I’ve last seen Iya.” She says smiling. Dan looks a little angry. Oh well. I run out of the room and down the stairs and smile at the little girl at the bottom. “Hey Iya."

The Asylum {A Youtube Fan Fiction}Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum