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Stevie flew into a blinding panic straight away, searching round Robins room crying her eyes out

"Where's my baby?"

"Stevie calm down for a second" Lindsey tried to stop her but she was to panicked

"Where is she, where is she..." she ran into their bedroom and checked their bed incase she had got into there

"Stevie stop!" Lindsey grabbed her arm, but she wouldn't look at him, she just tried to get away

"STOP!" he grabbed her face and made her look him in the eye

"Calm down Stephanie! We need to do this calmly!" Something inside Stevie snapped and she stopped crying, flinging her arms around his neck and hugging him tight

"Right now let's go and look round the house!" Lindsey was trying to hide the panic in his own voice

They searched through every room, and round no trace of Robin, Stevie had even held her breath as she checked the pool outside, nothing thank goodness. Lindsey came out wiping his tears away

"It's time to go to the police" Stevie followed him inside and they walked back to their bedroom to get jackets

"I left my shoes in the bathroom, hold on a second" she walked into the bathroom and Lindsey watched as he saw her completely pass out, running to her and sitting with her on the floor, tapping her face to bring her round which it did

"Baby what happened?" He asked as she looked at him

"She's okay...she's in the tub..." he sat her up and they looked over at the bath tub where Robin was curled up asleep, Teddy in arms and sucking her thumb

"Oh my God" Lindsey let his tears of relief fall, his voice having woken up Robin, she sat up rubbing her eyes, getting out of the tub and toddling over to her new parents, climbing into Stevie's lap and snuggling down, picking up Lindsey s arm and cuddling it round her, Stevie dropped a kiss to the girls hair

"You scared mommy and daddy to death baby" Lindsey smiled at Stevie's names for them both

Stevie got up from the floor still holding Robin, carrying her back into her room and placing her in the cot, leaning down and rubbing her belly

"Me and daddy are just going to be in our own room okay baby? Your safe in your own bed" Robins lip trembled and she reached her arms out, Stevie took off her cardigan and placed it with Robin

"There you go, that smells like me, so I'm still in here with you, I love you sweetheart" Stevie walked out and bumped into lindseys who was crying

"Honey what is it?"

"Seeing you as a mother makes me so emotional" he hugged her tightly

"Your an amazing father Linds, she loves you so much, you saved her from that place!" He pulled back and looked her in the eye

"We saved her Steph" They stared at each other for what felt like an age, Lindsey's gaze flicking down to Stevie's mouth, she knew what was going to happen next, and for the first time in a long time she welcomed it

"I'm going to kiss you now"

"Please do..."

Lindsey leaned down and placed his mouth to hers, moving his lips slowely then pulling away with her bottom lip in between his teeth

"Mm, Linds?"


"Do that again..." he chuckled and kissed her again

Things soon became heated and Stevie felt herself being lifted from the floor, wrapping her legs around Lindsey waist as he walked them to the bedroom, placing her gentle down on the bed and hovering over her

"Can I...can I touch you?" Lindsey asked, Stevie bit her lip and nodded

Carefully Lindsey untied the wrap around shirt that Stevie was wearing, opening in out to reveal her skin, starting at her hips he slowly ran his hands up her body, reaching her breasts and giving each one a gentle squeeze, Stevie moaning at the contact, lindsey undoing the front clasp of her bra so there was nothing in his way

"Your so beautiful" he whispered, lowering his head and using his mouth on the same trail as his hands went on, kissing each breast and using his tounge to swirl around her nipple, gently sucking more firmly, Stevie beginning to writhe

"What do you want Stephanie? Tell me, I'm nervous..." he admitted

Stevie took lindseys wrist, moving his hand down her body and slipping it inside her panties, arching as he made contact with her most sensitive place

"Oh god" Lindsey whispered and continued his finger movement

"Linds..." she moaned as he pushed his finger inside

"Your still so beautiful when your being pleasured" he moved his mouth to hers and took it, swallowing her cries. Stevie could feel herself inching closer to the edge so she pulled his hand away before he could finish, getting up from the bed he watched her in confusion

"Steph?" He thought she would leave but she bent down to remove her leggings and underwear, laying back on the bed and pulling Lindsey between her legs

"I haven't had sex with you in so many years, I want my first orgasm to be with you inside me" she said shyly, feeling embarrassed

"Hey, don't hide from me sweet girl" removing her hands from her face she still had her eyes closed, they soon opened when he suddenly slipped inside her

"Fuccckk" he had to stop to compose himself

"When was the last time you made love Steph?" He was asking because of how she was squeezing him

"Probably longer ago than you have" she told him truthfully then started to move her own hips, they soon found a matching rhythm, laying their foreheads against each other and kissing passionately, it didn't take long for Stevie to climax, Lindsey following close behind and emptying himself into her. Collapsing down next to her he pulled her to him, soothing her hair until she fell asleep

"I love you" he said into her hair believing she was asleep, but she was very much awake

Thank you for reading this! Sorry it took a while but I hope it wasn't to bad for you all! Xo

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