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***Harry's P.O.V***


Melanie's eyes widened in fear as my words hit her. I grasped her hands in mine, and kissed them repeatedly.

"Baby, I want you to stay in here." I whispered.

"No, Harry, don't leave me. The door is locked, we're safe in here." she pleaded softly, holding onto my arms, not wanting me to leave her. I smiled weakly and pressed my lips to hers, as my thumb stroke her cheeks softly.

"I'll be careful princess." I promised, pressing my forehead to hers. "But I need you to be careful too, okay? Stay in here." I begged.

"What if they hurt you?" she whimpered.

I smiled softly at her, and raise her hand to my chest, her palm pressed just about my heart. Her eyes fluttered closed as she felt it beat against her skin. "You feel that?" I asked. Melanie weakly nodded her head. "It is beating for you." I smiled.

"I know." she smiled, raising my hand just above her left breast, and I felt the soft beating of her heart against me hand. My smile grew as she smiled at me, us sitting there for a few peaceful seconds, listening to our breathing.

I grabbed her hand, and then pressed it above her chest, using her other hand to lock it in place. "You have my heart now, baby." I whispered. "As long as you keep it safe, nobody can harm me."

"You have mine too." she mumbled, doing the same to my hands. I urgently pressed my lips to hers, and she quickly responded, moving in sync. A loud crash downstairs sounded, breaking us apart.

"Keep my heart safe, baby." I urged, earning a nod from her, before I locked the door, and headed downstairs.

I slowly inched down them, my eyes scanning the dark house, being careful to see anybody's shadow. I couldn't see anything, but I grew cautious when I heard the beep from the alarm, the siren stopping, signalling somebody just turned it off, meaning they would be directly in front of me.

"Show yourself bastards!" I hissed into the darkness.

I heard a amused laugh, before the lights flickered on. I blinked a few times, adjusting to the sudden bright light, before my eyes fell upon Ashton, making my blood boil instantly.

"How the fuck did you get here?" I spat.

"I assume you mean prison on which you sent me to?" he snarled. I glared at him and he returned the harsh gaze.

"You sent me there first." I growled.

"True, but you had Melanie bail you out. Seeing as she is the victim, they believe any shit she said to get you out, and me thrown in that hell hole. That place is hell!" he growled.

"Oh cry me a river prick! I was there too, don't get so hung up on it!" I sneered, Ashton glaring at me. "So how did you get out then?"

"I escape obviously. It pays knowing people in there." he smirked.

"Well now that you've had your little walk, you can return there and rot." I hissed. Ashton just shook his head and let out a dark sinister laugh.

"Without seeing Mel?" he fake gasped.

"You're not going anywhere near my baby!" I boomed.

"Ah, your baby." he smirked. "Yes, the baby with a baby." he mocked. "She's been a Styles for how long? And you already knocked her up!" he chuckled. "Not that I can blame you. I do know how great she is in bed." he winked.

"Shut up!" I boomed. "Get out before I rip your head off!" I seethed.

"Oh lighten up, Harry! Girls gossip all the time! Why can't we have a man to man chat about the lovely Melanie." he tested.

"I'm warning you."

"You know those sweet moans spilling from her lips. Or better yet, those lips wrapped around you. Her body trembling below y-"

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" I roared, running at him grabbing him by his collar and slamming him into the wall. He was caught off guard, and crumpled to the floor.

"Get up fight!" I snarled, literally spitting down on him. He let out a groan of pain, bur stood to his full height again.

"Calm down lad!" he sighed. "I wish Melanie no harm!"

"Then what the hell do you want!?" I boomed.

"I just want to get out of prison!" he shouted. "Not like this, because I'm on the run, I want actual freedom!"

"You threatened my wife you prick! Now you want me to help you?!" I laughed darkly. "Out of luck there man."

"I had a feeling you would say that." he smirked. "So here is the plan. You help clear my name, and you get Melanie back." he smirked.

"What do you mean, get her back?" I growled.

"Turn around." he replied simply.

I spun on my heels, to see none other than Alex holding Melanie hostage. Cuffs on her hands, and a gag in her mouth. Tears filled her eyes as Alex held her arm tightly.

"MEL!" I shouted, racing up the steps, but Alex pulled out the gun, causing me to stop in my tracks. Melanie was crying now, and I wanted to hold her dearly, it broke my heart seeing her like that.

"Alex? How could you?" I gasped, shaking my head in horror. Alex simply smirked at me, pulling Mel in tighter to his chest.

"Did you really think I would forgive you for crashing into me, leaving me for the dead?" he spat. "The only reason I made it out alive was because Ashton helped me!"

"Not exactly a way to keep friends now, is it?" Ashton tutted from behind me.

"Look Alex, if you're pissed, take it out on me, but don't hurt my baby!" I pleaded, glancing at Melanie desperately.

"I am. I'm hitting you were it hurts the most. By taking your girl away from you." he smirked.

"She's fucking pregnant Alex! This isn't healthy for the baby!"

"No harm will come to Mel, provided you help clear my name." Ashton reasoned from behind. My eyes darted from Alex to Ashton, hatred and anger consuming me from inside, and I felt like I was going to explode.

"C'mon babe." Alex smirked, tugging Melanie down the steps. I went to grab her, but Alex pulled out his gun, holding it below her chin. Melanie froze, and my heart shattered, as I was forced to step to the side allowing Alex to tug her down the steps, and out the door.

"Okay! Fuck! I'll help you, just please give me baby back!" I pleaded, tears glossing over with tears.

"That's the lad!" Ashton smirked. "However, the police are on their way, and I gotta go. We'll be in touch." he smirked, before heading out the door.

"NO!" I screamed, racing out the door, but it was too late. They were driving off, Melanie pounding on the door, but getting pulled back by Ashton, as they faded into the distance.

"FUCK!" I growled, kicking the wall. I screamed and shouted for God knows how long. Sooner or later cop cars arrived, speeding up the path, followed by Louis Liam Niall and Zayn. They raced over to me, but I couldn't speak, I was a mess.

"Harry, where is she?!" they shouted, and I just shook my head, kicking the wall again, letting out a angry shout of pain as I collapsed to the ground, letting out all my pain. I cried. More than I have ever cried in my life. I cried and cried, and Louis pulled me into a hug, and I didn't stop. Police tried asking questions, and I sobbed helplessly.

I  was utterly lost and broken.

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