Sneak Peak of "Yaknow, the Usual!"

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          Once upon a time, there was an author. This author had an amazing idea, to spread randomness and fun into the world! At first her idea was going smoothly, but then, like all writers every now and then, she got writers block. In a desperate attempt out of complete desperation to come up with an idea, she formulated a plan. It was in Angel's Diner that it all took place. She sat in the booth in the far corner, waiting for her guests to arrive, humming her favourite song as it played on the jukebox. Slowly, OCs began coming in and leaving, sharing ideas and useful information with our beloved author. Soon her story was blooming, with the great and awe-inspiring thoughts of the OCs, and the Random Stories for Reading Outloud was saved from total and complete destruction!!!

(If you didn't get the hint, I need help. Plz. I'll take anything! This is a book of randomness after all! :D )

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