3 Fat Fishes

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          Once upon a time in a little fish pond somewhere in the Alps, there were 3 Fat Fishes. There was an angry red fish, a happy green fish, and a derp yellow fish. Beside the fishes' pond there was a big mountain. Since the fishes were so fat, they would bounce their way up the mountain, play in the spider webs all day, and bounce back home.

          One day the fishes woke up and bounced up the mountain to play. They had wondrous fun killing spiders and destroying webs, but then the drpe fish got stuck. Angry fish tried to save him but was too angry so he got stuck too. Then Happy fish tried to save them but was too happy so he too got stuck.

          Angry fish said it was the Happy fish's fault, and Happy fish just kept smiling. Derpp fish just said that there were spiders in his backpack of food he had off-page. *Author shoos away spiders and continues writing.* 

          Suddenly along came three sail boats. There was an orange sailboat, a blue sailboat, and a pink sail boat. They wanted to eat the three fish for lunch. They rubbed their tummies and licked their lips, *throws pencil into the ground in frustration. Slaps sailboats and explains the script over to them for the millionth time. returns to desk and continues* 

          The sailboats decided that they would not eat the fishes. Instead, they helped the fishes escape from the webs. The fishes invited the sailboats to join them for lunch and everyone had a nice meal of spider jerky, chopped up and put in a broth, among with many other nice vegetables. It was very nice!


Because I LogicNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ