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Everyone, my story is coming to an end. Thank you all...

Moonshine woke to the steady licking of a cat's tongue. Her entire form was neatly groomed and she felt night air blow refreshingly. She opened her eyes. Blizzardtail was licking her flank. Moonshine felt an air of mourning.

"Blizzardtail?" Moonshine whispered. She saw her sister look around, confused.

"Blizzardtail," Moonshine spoke louder. Blizzardtail clammed up.

"M- Moonshine? Moonshine!" Moonshine got to her paws. Startled cries echoed from everywhere. Moonshine blinked.

"What's wrong?" Moonshine asked her sister.

"Y-you were dead!"

"MOONSHINE!" Phoenixwing rushed forwards.

"You're alive!" The disbelief in his eyes were visble. Looking around, Moonshine saw her clan was gathered, preparing to sit vigil with her body.

"H-how?" he stammered.

"Starclan gave me a chance," Moonshine breathed in his scent. Through all the tragedies Moonshine had endured, she had survived. Phoenixwing, survived. Thunderclan was her kin. Here she belonged. Her family, friends... mate were all here. That night, Moonshine settled down beside Phoenixwing.

"Good night Phoenixwing, see you tomorrow," Moonshine purred.


In small proportion we just beauty see

And in short measure, life can perfect be

-Ben Johnson, The Flower of Light

Thunderclan Lives On: Warriors Fan Fiction (Book 1) (Completed!)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat