Chapter Seven: To Hurt

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  • Dedicated kay Silverpool

Alrighty, chapter 7! Getting into the story now. Please, feel free to comment, I like constructive critisism. And if you like it: VOTE.

"RIPPLEPOOL! MIDNIGHTPELT! PHOENIXWING!" Moonpaw watched from a hole in the apprentice den while the other cats cheered on the new warriors. Moonpaw felt bad that she had not left to see it. But she was grieving. She had not eaten in two days, only staring, thinking about her brother; Sunpaw. How could Thunderclan cheer when Moonpaw felt at such a loss? Her heart ached with the longing for her brother. It wrenched at her very soul. Her entire world was falling around her ears, echoing as it landed with a thud. And it rang on... and on... and on....

Phoenixwing walked into the apprentice den. He stared sadly into the corner of the den, seeing Moonpaw still bundled up in her nest.

"So I guess you did't see my ceremony..." he mewed.

"I- I did. Phoenixwing, that's a cool name..." Moonpaw put her head on her paws and continued her grievance.

"Moonpaw you've got to eat sometime..."

"I don't want to."

"Please," Moonpaw didn't answer. He left and returned, a rabbit clenched in his jaws.

"Here... I'll come check on you later, I'm sitting vigil," then he left.

Moonpaw could smell the rabbit, and her stomach growled uncomfortably. It was tempting. Reluctantly Moonpaw tore a piece of the meat off and began to chew. It tasted satisfying. Slowly she ate bit by bit until only half of it remained. With food inside, Moonpaw's mind began to think.

Phoenixwing is right, I can't dwell in the past. I can't end up like Sandstorm was, wasting my days, waiting for death...

Moonpaw painfully got to her paws, stretching out her sore limbs. Blizzardpaw jumped up as she saw Moonpaw come out from the den.

"Moonpaw!" she yelped,"you're out!" Moonpaw nodded. She felt bad, Blizzardpaw was going through the exact same thing, and Blizzardpaw was comforting her.

"How are you?"

"Alright... I miss him..." Moonpaw licked her sister in companionship. She tried to divert the topic:

"So how's Skypaw settling in?"

"Yes, he's doing fine. Have you seen Cherryblossom's kits? They're so tiny!" Moonpaw shook her head.

"Well come on then!" she followed Blizzardpaw warily to the nursery.

"Hi Cherryblossom, I've just come to show Moonpaw your kits!" Blizzardpaw whispered to the queen. She nodded and lifted her paw to show four little bundles of fur.

"Aww!" Moonpaw couldn't help but adore the cuteness, "what are their names?"

"This one is Nightkit," she said, pointing to a black-and-brown tom, "here is Fluffkit, this little she-kit. This one's Goldenkit, he's a tom. And this one... this is Sunkit. Your brother saved me that night. Sunkit is a tribute to his bravery." Moonpaw looked at the golden kit. It was exactly the same colour, but the one next to it, Goldenkit, matched also.

"Thank you, Cherryblossom." Moonpaw bowed her head.

Moonpaw tried to avoid much company over the next moon. The only cats she spoke to often were Blizzardpaw and Sandstorm. Both had experienced the same as her. Phoenixwing was always busy with new warrior duties, and Silverpaw barely came out of the medicine cat den. Moonpaw guessed she was getting over Sunpaw in her own way. One thing that passed the time was helping Blizzardpaw. She had a major crush on Skypaw, and the two she-cats spent some time spying on him, trying to find out what made him tick.

Thunderclan Lives On: Warriors Fan Fiction (Book 1) (Completed!)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon