Chapter Six: To Protect

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  • Dedicated to Mum

Chapter six! Thank you to all readers, but especially VOTERS! You guys have all been awesome. Carry on reading and enjoy! Warning: Death

"Off to the Gathering, cats of Thunderclan!" Bramblestar yowled as he led the cats from the thorn tunnel. Moonpaw was delighted to see that Blizzardaw's injury had healed enough to come. Sprinting through the night, they streamed over the Windclan border. They halted and went single-file near the lake shore. Sand squished under Moonpaw's paws, crunching satisfyingly.

My first Gathering! About time! I'm half-way through my training...

Moonpaw felt a pang as it dawned that Phoenixpaw would not be an apprentice for much longer. Ironically, Phoenixpaw caught up with her just at that moment.

"Just you wait until you see the Treebridge!" Phoenixpaw meowed, "it's huge!"

"Aren't you scared of heights?" teased Moonpaw, trying to soothe her own nerves.

"No- not really..." he lied. Moonpaw purred with amusement.

"Almost fell off the first time!" Molefoot snorted.

"Did not!"

"It was only thanks to Ivypool you avoided a good soaking!" At last they had reached the Treebridge leading to the Gathering Island. Each cat went across one at a time, getting over in what seemed impossible speed.

"Moonpaw, your turn," said Brackenfur. Moonpaw gulped. Cautiously, she placed a paw on the fallen tree. It wobbled unnervingly. Eventually Moonpaw managed to get all four paws on the trunk.

"Come on Moonpaw! You're holding everyone up!" she heard a voice behind her shriek.

Probably Ripplepaw... she thought irritably. Carefully she placed:

One paw... in front of the other... don't look down...

She desperately wanted to close her eyes, but a cat without sight is a cat without balance. Finally Moonpaw made it across to the save solidity of land. Phoenixpaw gave her a comforting lick.

Looking around Moonpaw saw that Thunderclan was the first clan to arrive.

"Come on, let's grab some prey. The island's teeming with it!" Phoenixpaw called, already diving into the undergrowth. After eating numerous mice, the two apprentices sat in the clearing contentedly staring up at the stars.

Firestar is up there somewhere...

It was the first time she'd thought about the orange-coloured tom in a while. Now, she wondered if the prophecy had all just been a bizarre dream.

But no, it can't have been... it was real.

"Watching the Silverpelt?" Sunpaw mewed before settled down beside them.

"Sunpaw! Don't interupt!" scolded Blizzardpaw.

"Wha-?" the golden tom looked utterly baffled.

"Moonpaw and Phoenixpaw- uh never mind," Blizzardpaw flopped down beside them aswell.

"Toms huh?" Blizzardpaw complained. Moonpaw nodded.

"Typical," Just to annoy the sisters Phoenixpaw whispered loudly to Sunpaw.

"She-cats, huh?"

"I know right..." Moonpaw cuffed Phoenixpaw on the head affectionately. All four of them purred.

"Rowanstar! Welcome!" Bramblestar greeted the Shadowclan leader, respectfully licking him on his shoulder. The ginger tom returned the gesture. Next, Windclan arrived, Onestar taking his place on the branch above the cats. Finally Riverclan came, and Reedstar emerged from the crowd. After a few minutes of chatter, Onestar yowled for attention and the meeting began.

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