Chapter Three: To Travel

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:'( I was sad to let Seedpaw go, but it had to be done...

As Sunkit and the patrol returned with Sunkit, the clan rejoiced and Dovewing rushed over to be re-united with her lost kit. However, as Lilypaw and Whitewing came forward bearing Seedpaw's body, the entire camp gained a hushed silence. Jayfeather darted into the medicine cat den before any cat realised he had been there.

Bramblestar stepped forward to address the shocked cats;

"Seedpaw died a brave death, rescuing a kit from entering Starlan too early... she will be honoured." Seedpaw's limp body was laid in the center of the clearing. All cats close to her; her kin, close friends, approached to pay their respects.

She will share tongues with her clanmates once more... Moonkit thought, where is Phoenixpaw?

Moonkit saw the tip of his tail disappear into the apprentice den. Poking her head around the entrance, she called to him;

"Phoenixpaw," she whispered.

"Leave me alone..." he complained.

"Phoenixpaw," Moonkit coaxed,"what's wrong?"

"Nothing!" he snapped,"JUST GET OUT!" Moonkit retreated. As if lost Moonkit wandered aimlessly around camp. Her ears rang with the bitterness portrayed in Phoenixpaw's voice. At last she reached the nursery.

"Moonkit! Oh Moonkit there you are!" her mother exclaimed, bustling about to round up her kits. Moonkit allowed herself to be herded up and shoved into the nest along with her other siblings. She let out a long sigh and chose to turn and face another direction from her kin. She looked over into the empty nest that had belonged to Phoenixkit. She longed for the games she had played, the laughs had, the hours spent. Why was he so... different?

Is our friendship really coming to an end?

Something seemed weird around Moonkit, she could't quite put her paw on it. And then... her siblings! They weren't bouncing around, interrupting her slumber. They were subdued, quiet. For the first time after the rescue Moonkit thought of Sunkit.

If I'm feeling sad, he must be feeling horrible! His little adventure resulted in another cat's death! I feel so bad for not checking on him before...

Moonkit clambered over to the other side of the nest, and snuggled up comfortingly beside her brother. In doing do she realised that he was wide awake. He did not respond, so Moonkit decided that just being there was all she could do.

Staring incoherently at a stick, Moonkit gave herself a thorough washing.

Wait... the stick!

Moonkit jumped up and reached for it. It was the same stick Phoenixkit had used to pull at the brambles. Doing so, Moonkit pulled back the layer and revealed the tunnel into the sky. As she watched the sunset fade into night, Moonkit realised that maybe she was overreacting.

He'll be tired, and maybe even regret today. Maybe he blames himself for Seedpaw's death. There are many possibility's, so I need to hang in tight, and let it be.

Her friendship could be salvaged yet. The last thing she saw before sleep was the fading sunset, orange:

Just like Phoenixpaw's pelt...

Sunlight streamed through the tunnel, waking Moonkit. She now regretted leaving it open... Blinking in the harsh light, Moonkit gathered her wits about her and ventured outside.

Wow! Sunhigh already! I must've been asleep for ages.

Most cats were out on patrol or hunting, so the camp seemed empty. She could see Silverkit over by the medicine cat den, mewing through the ferns:

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