Chapter Twelve: To Deceive

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Reader be warned! You are,in for an extremely intense chapter. I have over 100 reads, so thanks to you all. Carry on...

Ripplepool reached out with her mind. She watched Moonshine and Phoenixwing sleeping in their nest together through icy blue eyes. She felt a fire ignite with hate.
Today's the day that I take revenge, when those two fox hearts wake, they'll find that their petty "perfect" lives are about to change...

Moonshine woke to the steady lapping of Phoenixwing's tongue against her flank.
"Ah, you are awake." his warm voice sounded in her ear. "Ambereyes invited us to a hunting party, she is waiting at Shadowclan's border."
"Really? Why would she do that?"
"Trying to be friendly?" Phoenixwing suggested. Moonshine shook her head.
"Oh well. A good run through the forest will shake the sleep from my pelt." she yawned back. The two of them got to their paws and padded out of the den. The sun shone on Moonshine's pelt as the new Greenleaf day promised to be a warm one. She ignored the juicy sent of a plump mouse that lay warming the fresh-kill pile.
I will hunt for my clan before I eat.

"Good morning Whitewing, Birchfall," Moonshine mewed to the cats guarding the thorn barrier.
"How are you Moonshine? I heard you weren't too well..."
"Much better thanks to Jayfeather!" Moonshine replied.

Matching the steady pace of Phoenixwing's pawsteps, they raced through the forest. Wind ruffled her fur, freeing her of the heat absorbed while she'd been sleeping.
"Can't catch me!" Moonshine teased, tempting Phoenixwing.
"Oh yes I can!" He made a massive leap across the ground, pinning Moonshine on the undergrowth. She went limp, then tensed again so that he released his hold. Sliding under his legs, she twisted to trap him, but he batted her out of the air and again pinned her down. Eventually she gave up, and they both breathed heavily.
"Now then, will you catch me a mouse?"
"Never!" Moonshine cried, desperately struggling under his grasp. Phoenixwing purred with amusement.
"Come on..." he smirked.
"Fine, I guess I could..." she relented. Phoenixwing stepped off her and Moonshine gave him a friendly shove. Little did they know that not only Ambereyes awaited them at the border.

Ripplepool's orange pelt streaked through the branches of Shadowclan. Thunderclan loomed in the distance, their rancid smell reached across the border. Diving behind a bush, she waited. Ripplepool spotted Ambereyes in the assigned spot. She gave her a flick of her tail in acknowledgement. Finally, Moonshine and Phoenixwing appeared. They socialised with Ambereyes, talking.

Ripplepool's Arctic blue gaze seethed their pelts. Her eyes were stitched with hatred. Ripplepool's whiskers twitched then she yowled:
"NOW!" her voice erupting with anger. The cats behind her streamed towards the border, and Moonshine and Phoenixwing glanced up as two broad Shadowclan cats swooped down like owls from the trees ahead.

As Moonshine heard the cry of attack, she tensed, preparing to fight. However, she and Phoenixwing were largely outnumbered. She fought with all her might, but the cats were consistent. They had obviously been instructed not to kill. Blows to head made Moonshine's head spin. Her vision blurred but she could just see Phoenixwing's claws swiping at the Shadowclan warriors. There were too many! More and more kept piling into Thunderclan's territory like a rolling waterfall. They had no chance; and both of them flopped down and let darkness take them.

Moonshine painfully opened her eyes. Pain screamed from her front paw. She attempted to rise, but immediately collapsed. Phoenixwing scrambled over to her.
"Moonshine? Moonshine are you alright?" he whispered, nudging his mate's fur, "come back to me! Moonshine!" He licked her cheek.
"Phoenixwing?" she whispered.
"I'm here. It's alright, I'm here now."
"My paw," she complained, "it hurts really bad." Phoenixwing sighed with relief; she was awake.
"We'll get out of here soon, I promise."

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