Chapter Thirteen: To Resist

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This is a very heated part in the entire story. I'm sad to say the story will be drawing to a close soon. Almost done reading! Thanks for your perseverance.

Moonshine stood in the center of the clearing. Burly Shadowclan warriors and Bloodclan cats stood on all sides. Some were passionate, sheathing and unsheathing their claws repetitively. Others stood by in silence, occasionally glancing at Moonshine. Their eyes clouded in a haze of doubt, regret and even shame. Ripplepool stood on a rock in the center of the clearing, basking in her new-found leadership.

"Cats of the Nightstalkers! The time has come to eliminate Firestar's remaining relatives, beginning with this piece of vermin." she stared down at Moonshine, who held her chin up high although being insulted and humiliated,

"I, Ripplestar, hereby declare that all those who join me must kill this warrior right here and now!" Ripplepool spat the last words out. The Nightstalkers approached Moonshine, snarling. Finally, one tom lunged for her, slicing her nose.

"Stop!" Moonshine cried, surprising all attacking oncomers.

"What?" Ripplepool snarled.

"Give me a chance to speak," she croaked. Ripplepool laughed a cruel, harsh laugh. Moonshine shivered as the memories of her nightmare returned.

Phoenixwing lying motionless... No, I need to- I need to die with dignity. At least help in some way...

"You, kin of Firestar, do not deserve a voice."

"Every cat does,"

Moonshine... a soft voice whispered.


And others...

Bumblestripe? What are you doing here?

Open your mind...


Look deep inside...

Moonshine, aware of no time, delved into her herself. Navigating, she found, was challenging. Many parts of her mind were familiar, but others she never knew about. If she had the chance to search here again, she felt that she would remain here, never stopping. Like a bird, she swooped down, towards a glowing light. It was captivating, glowing with different colours. However, the main colour remained white, with ripples of others striking occasionally.

Wow... Moonshine breathed.

Is that?

Yes, Moonshine. It is your soul.

In awe, Moonshine approached the orb. She pressed her nose against its surface and found that it was smooth; warm. This orb was a box, an outer casing. She closed her eyes, feeling the energy of herself. It summed her up completely, she found. Her eyes opened.

You may enter...

As soon as she uttered the words, energy flower into her. Strengthening her mind. Wisdom beyond her years pulsed through her, filling her mind. Thousands and thousands of... Starclan warriors entered her soul. She felt them join into her. The Presences suddenly halted. They were ready to resist the evil at bay. Moonshine held with her the power of Starclan.

Go. Fufill your destiny. Every Starclan Presence chimed in her mind. It rang.

"Ripplepool," Moonshine uttered, opening her eyes to reality once more. Her eyes blazed with their eyes. Her voice rang with their voices.

"Moonshine. Prepare to die." As Nightstalkers again stalked towards her, Moonshine felt an urge. Using sheer thought, she sent a blast of energy towards the approaching cats. They doubled-over, temporarily stunned.

You dare. Moonshine heard Ripplepool's voice once more, but in her head. She felt with her, thousands of Dark Presences.

The Dark Forest.

Yes, I hold their power. As you now hold Starclan.

Then this battle shall be of the mind.

It shall.

The fight began. Moonshine relayed all the Presences her soul contained and thrust them forward. They attacked, battering at Ripplepool's defences.

I have to return to Starclan... Moonshine heard Sunpaw's voice echo.


I'll disappear forever otherwise.

And Moonshine felt Sunpaw's Presence vanish. The brief moment in which Moonshine's conscious slipped, Ripplepool took advantage of. Ripplepool wove her way, snaking, through Moonshine. The Dark Presences followed. Starclan cats slashed at them as they passed, only to be thrown back. They were forced to retreat. The Dark Presences were also vanishing, one by one. Moonshine feared that before they all left, she would be overwhelmed.


Another Presence entered her head.

Phoenixwing? Firestar?

We are here. Let us help.

Willingly, Moonshine allowed them into her soul. The new addition of strength helped Moonshine greatly. Dark Forest Presences began to leave at a greater rate. However, Moonshine also felt her energy draining. Barely any Starclan spirits remained, trying to reinforce the defence Moonshine held.

No Dark Presences now remained. Only Ripplepool. Moonshine felt Phoenixwing and Firestar slowly slip away. Moonshine struggled with all her might, trying to defeat Ripplepool.

Phoenixwing, I'm sorry...

In reality, a Nightstalker warrior aimed for her throat. Too exhausted and unable to defend herself, the tom triumphed. She yowled in pain. Blood gushed from her wound and she fell. Oblivious to the world.

Moonshine! Phoenixwing screamed with his mind as he was forced to go.


"Riverclan, attack!" yowled a voice from the forest. Riverclan ran fiercely into the battle. Everywhere was full of scrabbling cats, clawing, biting. Phoenixwing thrust himself at a she-cat, who fled amongst the bushes. However, in the heat if battle he only wanted to see one cat; Moonshine. He saw her midnight pelt in the middle of the clearing. She was still surrounded. Leaping high in the air, he landed on the back of a shaggy brown tom.

"Moonshine!" Phoenixwing was instantly by her side, nudging her. Her breathing was shallow. Attempting to avoid the battle, he dragged her to the edge of the clearing.

"Moonshine, listen to me!" Moonshine opened her eyes. They locked with Phoenixwing's. She held the gaze, full of love. Then they closed and her body fell limp.

"Moonshine!" Phoenixwing howled, sobbing into his mate's fur.

"Phoenixwing?" a small voice asked from under the bush.


"I think... She is gone..."

"I will fight for her. Get vengaence." He rasped, eyes full of despair. Phoenixwing glanced at Moonshine.

"I wish you luck..."

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