•Slow Dancing•

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Any time you've asked Sam to dance with you, he goofs off first. You don't know what it is, but it happens every single time. He'll start dancing around like some spastic moose until you're doubled over with laughter. Only then will he take your hand in his, smiling at you as he pulls you to him and starts moving to the actual beat of the song you have on. Sam is so much more graceful than you would think by looking at him and all his gangly limbs. Sometimes you'll stand on his feet, laughing as he moves you around the room, humming to the song. You'll still have a smile on your face as you rest your head on his chest, and he smiles down at you, feeling accomplished in making you happy; his favorite thing to do.

Dean pretends like he doesn't enjoy dancing but you know him well enough by now to know it's a ruse. He'll moan and gripe about it as you pull him to the dance floor at an event you're staking out, or if you have music on while you clean, but you've caught the smile he tries to hide more than once. He's a great dancer, though he denies it. He'll spin you slowly and even dip you if you catch him in the right mood. You even got him to dance with you to no music one night before bed, both of you in your pajamas in the dim light of your bedroom. You like the feel of him so close to you, of his hand on the small of your back while you move together to a shared beat. Your favorite song to Slow Dance to is I Can't Help Falling In Love by Elvis because Dean can dig Elvis.

(Twist And Shout fans where you at? If you haven't read twist and shout and ship destiel you really should. It's good)

Cas looked absolutely terrified the first time you asked him to dance. He looked as though he'd rather take on a room full of demons than attempt a slow dance, but you eventually got him to stand and face you, taking his clammy hand in yours. You laughed, telling him to relax, that he wasn't being graded. You danced with him until he wasn't so nervous, until he began enjoying the beat and, more than that, enjoyed being flush with you. He held your hands together, pressed to his chest, smiling at you after several songs and telling you he never knew dancing could feel so much like love.

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