I needed this.

I needed to understand.

"---You said you had no choice. Why did you kill those women then?"

"Your mother and I were struggling financially," he began. "I worked in telemarketing and it simply wasn't paying our bills anymore so I took a second job. I became a hired assassin. Mostly I was hired to take out competition for drug dealers." There was a long pause. "I had to protect my identity, Maisie. The women I killed....one way or the other witnessed something they shouldn't have. I had no choice but to take them out."

The women died, not because they did something wrong, but because they were in the wrong place at the wrong time.

I felt sick.

Good people ended up dying because they saw something they shouldn't have.

They were innocent bystanders and my father took them out.

"They didn't stand a chance," I spat out, instantly angry. "You killed innocent people!"

Would it have been easier to forgive Daxton had the women deserved what happened to them? Maybe. That's because I was raised around the just world hypothesis---idea that people deserve what happens to them.

I've been victim-blamed before.

I know how that feels.

People make bad choices. It doesn't mean that there life matters any less.

These women were as innocent as they come.

"I made a bad decision, Maisie," Daxton agreed. "I know that and that is why I'm okay with being locked up."

He's accepted responsibility for his actions.

I glanced over at Levi whose face was stoic and my heart ached. I was deeply embarrassed that he had to sit through this.

I was greatly embarrassed that this man sitting across from me was my father.

When Levi noticed me staring at him, a hesitant smile spread across his lips in a thin line. "Go on," he prompted with a nod. "What else do you need to ask him?"

Daxton looked at me with an apologetic frown. "I've apologized in court many times now."

"---Your apology won't bring them back."


"There you are," Levi approached me as I leaned against the wall outside of the visitors' room.

Gone Too Far (Police Officer/Delinquent Relationship) BOOK 1   (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now