Chapter six

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After that night, Peridot and I ended up together. But we came to a certain agreement. No one other than Garnet and us would know about our relationship. At least not right away. We wanted things to work out between us before we announced anything.
"Okay why did I choose to watch this?" I asked, leaning back against the back of the truck as we watched Camp Pining Hearts.
"Because you said you wanted to see what things I'm interested in. I'm interested in this," she smiled at me and crawled into my lap, turning around so her back was against my chest. I wrapped my arms around her and held her close, resting my chin on her shoulder. "Right," I mumbled, leaning my head against hers, "I did say that didn't I? I guess I created my own doom." I closed my eyes as she turned on the tv, beginning from episode one of season one of Camp Pining hearts.
This was going to be a while.

At some point I must've fallen asleep because one minute I was watching the show and the next I was being woken up by Peridot. Didn't even know I could sleep.
"Lapis are you okay? You fell silent and fell over when I went to change the tape," she had her hands on my cheeks, her eyes wide with worry. I laughed a little and put one of my hands on hers. "Peridot I'm fine," I told her, "I just fell asleep. Like humans do." I hummed a bit and leaned in, pecking her lips. Her face turned a dark green and she fell back. I laughed at her and crawled on top of her, looking down into her eyes. "Look at your face. How cute," I messed with her hair a bit, seeing her face turn even darker.
Something...and I don't know what over took me and I leaned down, pressing my lips to hers in a nice, passionate kiss. We had only been together for a short time, but I wanted everything. I wanted her.
"W-Wait!" Peridot said when she pulled away to look at me. "If we're doing we'll need something to cover up with..." She sat up and hopped down off of the truck, heading into the barn. She returned with a blanket and I helped her back up into the bed of the truck.
"Are you even sure you want to do this?" I asked her,taking the blanket from her and using it to cover the both of us.
"Yes I'm sure. I know we haven't really been together long...but this feels natural," she looked away and cleared her throat.
"Alright," I smiled and started kissing her again. Peridot wrapped her arms around me and I felt her untie my top from my body, moving it off to the side. My face burned hot and I started kissing down her neck, my hands sliding along her hips.

"Hey Lapis! Where's Peridot?" The voice made me jump and I quickly tightened the blanket around myself, rolling off of Peridot. I peeked over the edge of the truck and my heart stopped. It was Steven. Of all the people catching us it had to be Steven.
"Um she's up here!" I called down to him, "hold on she'll be down in a second." I turned to Peridot who had a disappointed look on her face. "Well looks like that moment is over. I'll take him in the barn and distract him while you get your top back on," she said, standing up and dusting herself off.
"Thank you," I pressed a kiss to her hand and laid back down until I knew for sure they were in the barn.
Their voices faded as they went away and I sat back up, pulling my top back on and tying it.
"Oh man I hope Steven didn't know what we were doing," I got down from the truck bed and made my way into the barn.
"Anyway we've added more meepmorps to our collection," Peridot was showing him some of the newer stuff we had made together.
"They're nice aren't they?" I asked, standing beside Peridot, "more collaboration between the two of us."
"Yeah. But I came here because Garnet and the other gems want to see you," he looked up at me, "both of you."
"They couldn't come themselves?" Peridot moved closer to me.
"No. They were saying they wanted you guys back at the temple when they got back from their mission. They said it's important."
I sighed some and covered my face, "this sucks." Especially since I had been expecting a whole day with Peridot where we could just chill together.
"I can only carry one of you," I said,crouching down, "better decide who rides."
"I will!" Peridot immediately said, getting on my back.
"I'll take the warp pad back. See you guys," he waved us off and ran towards the warp pad that was nearby.
"I'm glad you spoke up. No offense to Steven but I prefer carrying you around," I turned my head and smiled at her before taking off into the air.
"I'm glad you were able to get your top on before Steven realized what was happening." Both of us laughed about that and I made my way up into the sky more. "Yeah. But I wish he hadn't walked in on us. I was starting to enjoy it," I stretched my arms out and began tilting back and forth, feeling Peridot's grip tighten on me.

We landed at the temple and made our way inside, taking a seat on the sofa in the room as we waited for the gems to come back.
Only moments later the warp pad activated and the three Crystal Gems were there.
"Good you two are here," Pearl said, stepping down from the pad and heading into the living room, Garnet and Amethyst following behind her.
"Yeah what's up? We were kind of busy when Steven interrupted us," I said, leaning back and crossing my arms. Garnet just snickered and looked away.
"Garnet said around noon tomorrow we need to go to Crystal Beach. She says that she sees a potential corrupted gem. One that would be perfect for the two of you to test out fusion," Pearl sat down beside me, "we're going too just in case something happens."
A gem for us to fight together with fusion. I didn't even know if I was ready to fuse. I glanced over at Peridot and she just smiled at me. My face turned hot again and I looked back at Pearl, giving her a nod. "Alright. I'm ready to try fusion. I trust Peridot completely," I said, balling my hands in fists. "That gem won't know what hit it."

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