Chapter four

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A new day dawned and for some reason I was feeling better about life in general. I had to go to the Gems' temple to tell them that I wanted to be a Crystal Gem with them, but that wasn't at all what was making me so happy. Maybe it was the fact that Peridot and I were getting along least as far as I knew we were. I actually found comfort in her being near me. And in fact longed for her when she wasn't. I honestly didn't understand it, but it was nice.
"Lapis! We better get going! If we're there early we might be able to catch the gems before they go out on a mission!" Peridot called up to me. I smiled and hopped down from the silo. "Righty-o Peridot!" I said, saluting to her, "come! Your flying chariot awaits!" I kneeled down in front of her and she hopped on my back. From there I took off into the sky, but staying at a low altitude so we could see the temple when it came up.
"This is so exciting. To become a Crystal Gem. And to be able to protect the earth from the gems on homeworld. How exactly did you become a Crystal Gem, Peridot?" I looked over my shoulder, seeing her face turn into one of slight embarrassment.
"I um. Well...I detested Yellow Diamond's orders and then may have called her a...Clod," she said,tapping her cheek gently.
"You called a Diamond a Clod? Wow you're braver than I expected," I started laughing, hearing her chime in with me.
"Though looking back," I felt her hands turn into fists on my back, "I honestly don't regret doing it. And I would most likely do it again if it came down to it." Something dripped onto my gem...Was Peridot crying? I turned my head to face her again and she was. Peridot was crying.
"The only downside that I can never go home. I'd be shattered for the trouble I caused. And for the fact of the words I said to Yellow Diamond," she wiped her eyes under her visor and sighed.
"But Earth is your home now. And you have me to keep you company. I mean I know we had our differences and I hated you for what you had done to me...but I've forgiven you. And I really like you, Peridot. You're a good gem..." I turned my head forward and felt my face heat up. I could feel Peridot relax on me.
"Thanks Lapis."

We landed at the temple and made our way up the cliff side to the house,knocking on the door. Garnet answered, letting us in. "Please make this quick. We have a mission to go on here shortly," she shifted her glasses a bit,heading towards the warp pad in the room where Pearl and Amethyst joined her.
"I-I would like to become a Crystal Gem...I haven't been on this planet overly long, but I find it beautiful. Even the cold tomb I was in, the ocean. I want to protect this planet," I told them,heading to the warp pad to look at them. "I know if I try hard enough I could be of some use to all of you....even if I'm just used to be fused with."
Pearl stepped down from the warp pad and put her hands on my shoulders. "Lapis. You're worth more than just a fusion. We're more than happy to have you as a part of the Crystal Gems. And I know Rose would've accepted you as well." She smiled at me and pressed a kiss to my head. "Now then,we're about to go on a mission. Would you two care to come along?"
"I'd love to!" I said,running onto the warp pad.
"Alright," Peridot complained, getting on the warp pad beside me.
Pearl joined us and we warped,

"Alright we have quite a few corrupted gems running around here. So I suggest we split up in order to have the best advantage," Garnet explained, looking at us all. I doubt they're overly strong, but if needed, use all force necessary. Even if that includes fusion," she held out her hands and her gauntlet like weapons appeared on her hands. "Now then. Groups will be Pearl and I, Steven and Amethyst, and Peridot and Lapis."
"Oh Peridot and I are going together. Cool," I smiled at Peridot.
"Yes. You two need to get the hang of fighting along side each other. Because you will be partnered up a lot more together. Get to know each other's fighting styles," Pearl smiled at us and turned towards Garnet. "Alright let's get a move on. The gem won't wait for us to find it!"
We all separated and walked in three different directions.
"So do you think the corrupted gem will attack us? Or do you think someone else will get to battle it?" Peridot spoke up after a few minutes of silence.
"I personally both want it to attack us and at the same time, don't," I rubbed the back of my neck and slid my hand back down to my side, "I'm afraid I won't be of much use when it comes to fighting."
"Come on, there's plenty of water around us. You can always use stuff like that."
"I know. But I should really get myself a weapon. Even if it's made out of water," I shook my head.
There was a loud explosion like sound and both Peridot and I grabbed each other, surprised from the sound. But the minute we realized what we were doing, we both pulled away with dark faces.
"Sorry," we both said in unison, laughing right after.
"First time jitters is all," I said, running my fingers through my hair some.

We walked for probably hours (or just a few minutes. I couldn't tell) when the ground started shaking under us.
"What the hell?" I said,looking around, my eyes widening when I saw what was coming at us. It was a large sort of bull like creature. It was a tainted blue and orange colors.
"C-Corrupted gem!" I quickly grabbed Peridot and took off into the sky above it.
"Come on now, darling! I just want to have a little fun!" There was a giant gem running behind it. She was a tan skinned, four armed gem. But she had to be a fusion. And she was carrying around a large hammer.
The gem launched into the air, swinging the hammer above its head.

"Bingo!" She shouted, slamming the hammer down onto the beast, poofing it into a cloud of white smoke.
"Had you right where I wanted you the whole time."
I drifted back to the ground and looked up and the big gem.
"Oh hello there you two! You must be Lapis and Peridot!" She held out her hands to us. I cautiously stepped onto her hand and she lifted me up. "Let me introduce myself. I am the lovely Sardonyx. The wonderful fusion of Garnet and Pearl," she spun her top part around and smiled, "surprised you two didn't try to take on that nasty beast. It would've been a good experience. Especially if you would've fused."
I looked down at Peridot and blushed. "We like each other, but we still don't trust each other that well. And I'm still a little traumatized from being fused as Malachite," I ruffled my hair a bit, looking back at Sardonyx to see the sad look on her face.
"Oh deary that's so hard to hear," she set me back down and spun her upper part around again. "You'll get the hang of it eventually. Until then if you ever need me, just tell Garnet and Pearl~." She poofed and standing before us was Garnet and Pearl, in the ending dance move for their fusion dance.
"Sardonyx was amazing!" Peridot said, running to them, "the way she poofed that gem was like BOOM! And POW! And the monster was all like RAWR POOF!" She jumped up and down, making both Pearl and Garnet laugh. I giggled a little and turned my back to them to keep them from seeing the blush I was sure I was showing.
Peridot was cute...really cute to the point that it was driving me insane. I was starting to...feel weird around her. I was happy when she was talking to me...and sad when she wasn't near me. I couldn't think straight.
What was wrong with me?

"Lapis are you coming? We're heading back," Peridot came over to me and grabbed my wrist. My entire body heated up and my heart jolted.
"U-Uh yeah," I smiled at her and followed her and the other gems back to the warp pad. "Sorry I was just thinking."
"It's gonna be fun going home! I'm beat!" Peridot stood on the warp pad and I followed suit.
"I am too. A nap sounds good."
Maybe even a nap with you.

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