Chapter five

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I don't know why, but whatever these weird feelings I had for Peridot, made me begin to dodge her as much as possible. Or if she pulled me into a conversation I would give the shortest possible answers. I just felt so unstable. My heart would race, my palms would turn sweaty, and my face would heat up to the point where I felt like I was burning alive.
All of these feelings scared me. But at the same time, when I left her and didn't talk to her...I was sad. Even whenever Steven came to visit...I couldn't even smile. I knew he had to be worried about me...but I could never tell him what was wrong with me. But I knew someone who would.


"Hey Lapis! Lapis! We haven't talked all day! We need to have our usual conversations!" I heard Peridot call up to me. She was going to come up I knew it.
"M-Maybe we'll talk when I come back," I called back, opening my water wings and launching into the air.
"Wait I wanna go!" She was on top of the silo now, looking up at me.
"This is more for me. Bye," I waved to her and took off towards the temple, hoping and praying that Garnet was there.

But when I got there, I saw Steven, Amethyst, and Pearl. But I didn't see Garnet. No...there were two other gems there. Both of them were shorter in stature, one was a light blue color with long white hair, and the other was red with a more block like hair style. She had some kind of bandana on her head.
I landed and made my way over to them, seeing Steven gain a smile on his face when he saw me.
"Who are these two?" I asked,looking down at the two gems that were looking up at me.
"Oh right you haven't met them yet," Pearl said, making her way over, "this is Ruby and Sapphire. Every so often they'll unfuse for a while. But it's only like maybe once a month. Usually they stay fused all the time as Garnet. But they like to unfuse sometimes so they can see each other. Isn't that cute?"
"Yeah..." I kneeled down to be at as much eye level as possible, "I-I was kind of...hoping to speak to Garnet about this. But since you guys are may I speak to you about something? In private."
Ruby went to say something, but she didn't when Sapphire took her hand. "Yes. I already know what you are going to ask about. But I feel it best that we speak about it," Sapphire said, walking with Ruby and I to a spot out of the hearing range of the other gems.
"You're going to ask about the feelings you've been having about Peridot aren't you?" She said, letting Ruby's hand go as she spoke.
"A-Actually yes. The thing is I don't understand what these feelings are. And I figured Garnet...well you guys would understand and be able to help me figure these out," I kicked the sand under my feet and looked away, my face turning hot.
"I already can see the possibilities of the future. And I will explain one of them," she sighed and took Ruby's hand again, "what you are feeling is the same thing I started feeling for Ruby. The feelings are scary at first, but once you accept them...they become the best thing to ever happen to you." Ruby's face turned a bright red. "Yeah," she mumbled out, "I started feeling something for Sapphire and I never thought I would ever be able to fufill them with her. Because we were and still are two different gems with two different backgrounds. But I eventually stepped up and confessed to Sapphire. We've been together since then." Ruby leaned in and kissed Sapphire's cheek, making her cheeks turn a darker blue.
"S-So does that mean...I'm in..."
"Love," they both finished my sentence for me.
"Or at least in the early stages of it," Sapphire added in.
My face heated up again and I put my hands on my head. "If it is I even end up...with Peridot?"
"I'll let you figure that future out for yourself," Sapphire smiled, seeming to enjoy my flustered expression.
"I...I have to talk to Peridot about this. But I don't know how I'm going to be able to tell her!" I unfurled my wings and took off into the sky, heading back to the barn I had flown from earlier.

"Peridot! Peridot!" I landed in front of the barn, but she didn't come out. Was she even still here?
I made my way inside and looked around, not even seeing her inside.
"D-Did I drive her away?" I fell onto my knees and covered my face as the tears started to fall from my eyes. "Oh no...I'm never going to see her again...this can't be happening!" I fell onto my side and moved my knees closer to my chest.

"Hm I wonder when Lapis is coming back. She's been gone for quite a while." It was Peridot's voice. I know I had to have heard it. I quickly sat up and looked to the opening to the barn, seeing Peridot pacing back and forth.
"Peridot!" I shouted, running to her and tackling her in a hug, "I thought I drove you off! I thought I made you upset!"
"What a clod you are. I cannot be driven off that easily," she laughed, but when silent almost immediately, "wait are you crying? I'm sorry if I worried you." She wrapped her arms around me and pulled me close. I was content like this, except for the fact that my heart was beating at a million miles per minute.
"Peridot listen..." Now was probably the only time I would ever be able to tell her about this. I was nervous beyond belief...but it had to be said.
"I have feelings for you. The reason I've been dodging you all day is because I've been afraid of these weird feelings and such that I've had around you. You make me really happy. Your jokes make me laugh...even the horrible ones. And when you're away from me...I'm sad," I sighed and looked in her eyes. "I talked to Sapphire about this...and she said the best thing to do is just to tell you...and not to hold back the feelings I have. So...there they are." My head dropped and I waited for the doom of rejection.
"You were avoiding me because of those feelings?" She asked, cupping my chin and bringing my head back up so I could look up at her. There was a smile on her lips...and tears in her eyes, "you should've just said something. Because I've been feeling the same things."

Peridot pressed her lips on mine and this time I knew, I knew she wasn't doing an experiment this time. This time actually meant something.
A warm, fuzzy feeling exploded inside of me and I moved my arms around Peridot's neck, kissing her back. Her lips on mine just felt so amazing...they were so soft. True the kiss was a little sloppy, but I loved it.

I loved her

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