Chapter two

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The first few days weren't overly bad. Peridot and I mostly stayed out of each other's ways. But eventually we were at each other's throats for the littlest of things.
"Well I'm telling you I want the truck up there so that one of us can lay down in the bed of it!" She screamed at me, waving her hand up at the upper part of the barn.
"How are we going to get it up there?! It's not like I can pick up something that big and fly it up there!" I sat down on the ground and looked up at her, "you'd need a fusion to get that up there!"
"That's it! We'll fuse!" Her eyes widened and she held out her hands to me.
I looked at her hands with disgust and turned away. "I'm not fusing with you! Not after what you did to me! Get the Crystal Gems to do it for you!"
"You are such a giant Clod! We would only be together for a short time!"
"Doesn't matter! Are you forgetting I was stuck as a fusion for months with Jasper? I'm not in the mood to be a fusion right now!" I pulled my knees to my chest and rested my forehead on my knees,beginning to sob. I waited for Peridot to start shouting back, but instead I just felt an arm wrap around my shoulders.
"I-I'm sorry. I shouldn't have gone that far. I was being insensitive," she whispered,trying her best to comfort me.
I actually leaned into her and took a few deep breaths.
"Just go talk to the gems. I'm sure they can help you," I whispered back,moving away.

Peridot left me to get the gems,returning in about an hour with Pearl and Amethyst.
"Yo Lapi!" Amethyst called, using some juvenile nickname she gave me.
"It's just Lapis," I said, standing from where I had been sitting.
"Whatever dude," she shrugged and looked from Pearl to Peridot. "So are we going to do this?"
"I still think fusing for something this trivial is unnecessary," Pearl complained.
"You agreed, Pearl. Wether you like it or not," Peridot crossed her arms, "please fuse. I need these things done today."
Pearl sighed and made her way to Amethyst, dancing a beautiful ballet like dance. Her moves were graceful, like that of a flower petal floating to the ground. Amethyst however was a tad bit sloppier. But when they met in the middle, light engulfed them and they turned into a beautiful, tall, four armed woman.
My eyes widened and I walked to their fusion. "W...What...what's your name?" I asked, watching her as she smiled down at me.
"I am Opal. Pearl and Amethyst fuse to make me," she chuckled some, "excuse me. I have some business to attend to."
Opal made her way over to the pick up truck, lifting it with ease and moving it into position where Peridot wanted it.
"Now then!" Peridot said, "the silo I want in the hole. Since Lapis likes to spend so much time on it."
Opal sighed and rubbed her forehead. "Alright..." She sighed, jumping over to the silo and lifting it out of the ground,coming back over and setting it where Peridot asked.
"Am I done?" She asked, putting all four of her hands on her hips.
"Yes. That will be all for now. Thank you," Peridot said, waving at the fusion.
Opal turned into a white light again and turned into Pearl and Amethyst.
"See? A complete waste of time and energy of using Opal. All we did was renovations," Pearl sighed and turned away from both of us, "come along Amethyst. We need to get back to the temple before something happens."
"Later dudes," Amethyst smiled at us and waved as she left with Pearl.

That night I laid on top of the silo, looking up at the stars. "Homeworld's Galaxy looks so small from here..." I said,shifting onto my side to look out on the landscape of the Earth. "I wish I could go back...but I'll surely be shattered if I do."
"Lapis!" I heard Peridot call to me from the ground, "Lapis can I come up there? It's really lonely on the truck bed."
I sighed. Honestly I didn't want her to come up and sit with me, but I wasn't really in the mood to say no.
"Sure whatever," I called back to her.
Five minutes worth of hearing Peridot's grunting and complaining, she eventually reached my side and sat down. I turned onto my back and glanced over at her. "So what do you need?" I asked, putting my hands behind my head.
"I really just wanted to come up here with you," she replied, laying down beside me, "I needed someone to talk to."
"And I was your first choice? That's funny," I shrugged.
"Technically there is no one else here to speak to. And we did decide to live together so we could talk and get to know each other better so we don't hate each other," she pushed herself up and looked down at me, "therefore I conclude we should at least have several conversations each day in order to know more about each other."
In a way she was right. If we were living together we would have to talk eventually. We couldn't just avoid each other forever.
"Alright then. What do you want to talk about?" I asked.
She seemed a bit nervous.
"Have you...ever been in love?"

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