Chapter one

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I tried to go home to home world, but after what I had done to Jasper, I was considered a traitor. So I went back to the only place where I could thrive; Earth. But the only thing that was bad about returning to Earth, was that Peridot was there. Peridot had been taken in as a Crystal Gem, so even if I stayed with Steven, I would have to deal with Peridot's words "Clod".

I landed right outside the Gems' temple and made my way up the stairs. At the front door, I knocked and the door was answered by Steven.
"Lapis!" He said,stars in his eyes as he looked up at me,"I thought you were going back to home world."
"I tried. Look it's a long story. Can I speak to the Gems?" I responded,rubbing my right arm some."Please?"
"Yeah sure!" Steven turned on his heel and ran towards the warp pad inside the house. "Pearl! Garnet! Amethyst! Lapis Lazuli is here and she wants to talk to you!" He made his way to a door and began to pound on it. Moments later it opened and the three Crystal Gems stepped out from the door,heading to me.
"I figure it best if we not speak with Steven nearby," I told them,stepping back from the doorway, "let's go speak on the beach."

"What's this all about? I thought you were going back to Home world," Pearl said when we reached the beach.
"I tried to go back,but because of what I did to Jasper...I can't." I sighed, "I kept her prisoner underwater while we were fused. Home world saw that as an act of treason."
All of them seemed to be skeptical of me, like I was telling some lie.
"I'm not lying!" I shouted,seeing their eyes go wide, "I have no where to go! I have no home!" I felt the tears forming in my eyes, but I looked away so they couldn't see them.
"I know if we push her away,Steven will throw a fit. So I feel it's best if we let her stay here. But we'll keep a close eye on her," Garnet's calm and collected voice spoke, "if she tries to pull anything against us, we can always take her on."
Well that was threatening. But honestly I wasn't really planning on going against them. I needed a place to stay, with people to care about me. Even if that meant they would watch me like a hawk.
"Alright," I heard Pearl agree, "Amethyst what do you think?"
"I'm fine with whatever," Amethyst agreed.
"It's settled," Garnet put her hand on my shoulder and gave me a small smile, "Lapis you're welcome to stay with us."
Weight seemed to lift off of my shoulder, and I mean more than Garnet's hand. I had a home. I had a place to stay.

Steven greeted me at the door once I returned to the house, a smile on his face. "Looks like I'm staying here," I said, smiling at him. "I can show you around! Let me go get Lion!" He ran passed me and started shouting Lion as he went. A pink creature thing came around towards the house,heading towards Steven. Then he waved me down.
"I could've flown us around," I said, my water wings opening behind me.
"Nah. I haven't rode Lion in a while anyway," he made his way onto the pink feline's back,helping me up behind him, "We can find you a place to stay. I don't think you'll want to stay with the gems and I."
The lion started off immediately at a run and I grabbed Steven, holding onto him for dear life.
"Hey it's alright. Lion and I would never let you fall off," he smiled at me over his shoulder and I felt myself ease up a bit.

We stopped at several places before we eventually made it to a barn with a giant hole in the side. "What is this place?" I asked him, sliding off of the lion when it stopped. "Oh. This is where Peridot lives. You can always live here. Then you won't be so lonely," he said,cupping his mouth right after, "Peridot! It's Steven!"
It wasn't long before the short Peridot came running out of the  barn with a smile on her face.
"Hello Steven it's nice to see you since our last adventure," she was about to go on before her eyes turned to me, "oh Lapis...been a while."
"Yeah. The last time we saw each other, you used me for information," I said, crossing my arms.
"Heh heh....right," she seemed to rub the back of her neck awkwardly. Our history together wasn't really....great.
"Steven I can't stay here. Not with her."
Peridot gave me an offended look,turning her back to me.
"I personally think living together would be a good option. We could talk more and possibly resolve our conflicts."
My hands dropped to my sides and balled into fists. I opened my mouth to speak,but Steven stopped me. "It would be a good idea. I don't like seeing you two hating each other. Maybe if you get along then you won't have to be at each other's throats."
Both Peridot and I sighed. Steven was right, maybe we could resolve our differences by living together.
"Fine then. Peridot," I said, "prepare to deal with me everyday."

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