Chapter 7

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Previously on, MerDer - Happily Ever After?

"Yeah," I say, getting my scrub cap tied on.

"Okay, lets go to the OR." Derek says, and we start rolling him out of the Trauma room.


Meredith's POV

We just got done with the surgery, and he is expected to pull through. "That was some good work in there." I hear Derek say, walking up behind me. "I can say the same for you." I respond back, smiling.

"How about, we go grab Zola, and then go home." he says, smiling back at me. "I don't think I have heard anything better," I respond, and he places his hand into mine. "I was thinking, we could have a baby shower." he spits out. "I mean, um, I really never thought about it." I respond, stopping.

"Well, its up to you." he says, but I can tell he wants to do it. "Okay, sure." I say, smiling. "Really!" He says, acting suprised. "Mhm." I say, as we start walking back to the elevator. Just then Derek gets a phone call.

He looks down at his phone. "Mer, I will be right up, go grab Zo," he says, and starts walking away and answering the call. "What was that about?" I hear Christina say. "Uh, I don't really know." I respond back.

"Wanna come get Zola with me?" I ask her, walking into the elevator. "Sure, why not." she responds, hopping in. The click the second floor, but the elevator door gets opened, before it starts moving.

"Oh goody" Burke says, walking in smirking. "Why would you say that?" I ask, rolling my eyes. "Ah, I fiusty Meredith." he responds, back his smirk becoming bigger. "You don't know ANYTHING about me" I shoot back.

"Yeah, and do you know whats happening with your husband? You probably don't know ANYTHING about him getting a job offer in Washington, from the President himself." he responds, and gets off at the first floor, leaving me there with his information.

"Mer, he is probably just saying that to get too you." I hear Christina say, but I can tell she thinks he is telling the truth. "But he wouldn't lie about something like that." I say. The elevator doors open on the second floor.

"I just will ask him about it." I say, walking towards the daycare. "Okay." she responds back. "Dr. Grey! Zola was very good today!" the daycare worker says, and then hands me Zola. Christina grabs her diaper bag.

"Thanks." I say, smiling. "Have a good rest of your night Zo, and you too Dr. Grey." she says, walking back into the daycare. "She is way to happy." Christina says. "Yep." I say, walking back to the elevator.

Just then Christina's pager goes off. "Look like I gotta go, sorry Mer." she says, and hands my Zola's diaper bag. She runs down the stairs, and I take the stairs too, because I don't feel like waiting for the elevator.

I walk down to the lobby, and see Derek waiting there for me. "So, who was that on the phone?" I ask, hoping he doesn't lie. "Uhm, just a doctor asking me about a case." he says, and grabs the diaper bag. "Mkay." I say.

"Ready to go?" he asks. "I guess." I say, and start walking. "Mer? Are you okay?" he asks, looking at me. "I don't know, it depends what you say about that job offer in Washington." I respond, looking him dead in the eye.

"Mer-" he tries to say. "No, whatever I don't care." I say, cutting him off. I start walking to the car. "Meredith!" he says, putting the diaper bag in the backseat with Zola. I go to the passenger seat, and he sits in the drivers seat.

"The job offer is from the president!" he says, looking at me. I ignore him. "You can't ignore me." he says, looking at me. I still ignore him. "Fine, whatever." he says, and starts driving home.

About 20 minutes later, he pulls into our driveway. I get out, not saying a word, and pick up a sleeping Zola, and he grabs the diaper bag. "Meredith, we are going to talk about this, even if I am the only one doing the talking." he says, and unlocks the doors.

"Whatever," I say, and I start going upstairs to Zola's room. I gently lay her on her bed, and cover her with the covers. I go back out to the stairway, and go to the living room.

"Meredith, this is a job from the president." he says, looking at me. "I don't care, our life is here." I say, not budging. "They have a job lined up for you at a hospital there!" he says, looking at me. "Wait, your telling me, you've known for a while, and even got me a job there?" I yell.

"Meredith, please don't yell." he responds back at me. "Answer my question." I hiss. "I have known for about a month." he says. "A MONTH!" I hiss. "Meredith, its a goo-" he trys saying before I cut him off.

"No, my mother had to get Thatcher I job at her workplace because they wanted her, not him. They wanted her so bad, they gave her husband a job, and it sounds like what is happening right now." I say.

"No, its not!" he says, anger starting to arise in his voice. "Whatever." I say, going up to the bedroom. "Yeah! Walk away from your problems, your best at that!" he yells back up at me. I grab his blanket and pillow, and some pajamas. I through them out the door, and then locked the door.

I put on my Pajama's, and lay down on the bed.

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