Chapter 1

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Meredith's POV

"Derek, I was trying to protect Adele!" I yell, getting angry at him now. "YOU MESSED UP A GROUND BREAKING TRIAL!" he screams back at me. "I was trying to help Richard and Adele!" I state, trying to stay calm. "I am done Meredith, I can't do this anymore." Derek says, grabbing his things.

"Where are you gonna go? For gods sakes Derek, I am pregnant with your child, and Zola is sleeping upstairs!" I scream, as he walks out the door. He slams the door shut, and I just stand there, in disbelief.

I grab my phone out of my pocket, my hands trembling. I dial Christina's number.

C: Mer, this better be good, its two o'clock in the morning.

M: Derek, he left me.
C: What? Mer, I will be right over.

She hangs up the phone. I have no clue what to do. I mean I am two months pregnant with his child. He can't just walk away. Doesn't he understand I was doing it for Adele? I mean I wasn't doing it to ruin his trial, I was trying to help Richard.

About twenty minutes later, the I hear a knock at the door. I walk over to the door, and open it. "Mer, what happened?" Christina asks, walking inside the house. "I messed up his trial, and he left. He left me and Zola, and his unborn child." I say, as I start sobbing.

"Mer, he will come back, he always does." She says, trying to comfort me. "Thi-s time, it-ts different," I say, tears still streaming down my face. "Mer, if he leaves you, he is an idiot," she says, trying to lighten the mood.

"I am the idiot for messing with his trial." I hiss, putting my head in my hands. "I don't know what to do, I mean, what do I tell Zola?" I say, trying to keep it together. "He's gonna be at work tomorrow, you can talk to him then." Christina states.

"That's if he even looks at me, god I messed up BIG this time." I say, my face still in my hands. "Everybody makes mistakes, but it depends if he forgives you or not." she says. "Now, I have to get back home, okay, text me if you need anything." Christina states, getting up off the couch.

"Okay, see you tomorrow then." I say, getting up off the couch, and walking upstairs to mine and Derek's bedroom. I climb into the bed, and slowly start falling asleep.

"Mommy!" I hear Zola whisper in my ear, and she starts shaking me softly. "Hey Zo," I say, rubbing my eyes. "Where's Daddy?" she asks, and looks around the room. All the memories of last night flood into my brain.

"He was called in early to go into the hospital." I lie. "Okay, can I go get dressed now?" she asks, getting off the bed now. "Yes, you can." I state, getting myself out of bed too. "I will get dressed, you go downstairs after your done." I say, going into my closet.

I grab my maternity pants, for I am starting to get a bump, and these are the only thing that feel comfortable. I grab my white and black stripped shirt and, throw it over my head. I go to the bathroom, and look over at Derek's sink.

I don't think I can raise two kids without him, I think to myself. I quickly put my hair into a pony tail. Before I realize it, the morning sickness is kicking in. I run over to the toilet, and start vomiting everything that I hadn't already vomited out.

Usually, Derek was right there, comforting me, but as I know, he really isn't here at the moment. I get up, knowing there is nothing more that could come out of my body, and make my way downstairs.

"Okay Zo, what would you like for breakfast?" I ask, looking at her. "Uhm, can I get some Cereal, please?" she asks, looking at me. "Of course, come up to your seat" I say, as I grab a bowl from the top shelf. "Ouch." I gasp to myself, as a drop the bowl, and grab my stomach.

"Mommy, are you okay?" Zola asks, running to me. "Watch out for the glass." I grunt out. I feel the pain getting worse and worse, as it rises from my side, to my stomach. "OUCH!" I scream in pain.

Derek's POV

I can't believe what she did, but I still need to go back to the house. All of my things are there. As I walk up to the front door, I can hear screaming and Zola screaming Mommy. I grab my keys as fast as I can, and I unlock the door. I see Meredith lying on the floor, grabbing at her stomach.

"Daddy! Mommy is hurt!" I hear Zola scream. "Derek!" Meredith screams in pain. "It is gonna be fine" I say, and I pick her up bridal style. "Zo, hurry up and get in the back of daddy's car, and buckle in." I say, as I take Meredith out to the car.

"Derek," Meredith screams again. "Mer, stay with me, we are gonna get you to the hospital." I say, as I put her in the front seat. "Zo, you buckled in?" I ask, as I take the car out of park, and start backing up. "Yes." she responds, I can hear the fear in her voice.

"Don't worry Zo, everything is gonna be okay," I try and assure her. I look over to Meredith, still screaming in pain. She looks paler and paler by the minutes. "Mer, you gotta stay awake," I say, grabbing her hand.

"I- I ca-n't-t" she stutters. "Yes, you can, just keep squeezing my hand." I reply. She takes my hand, and starts squeezing it. "There we go, come on Mer, its gonna be okay." I say, as I pull into the parking lot of Seattle Grace Mercy West.

"Okay Zo, get unbuckled, and then when we get in there, Ross is going to take you to Daycare, okay?" I say, as I open her door. "Okay Daddy." I hear her say, as I am running to Meredith's side of the car. "Sir, yo-, Doctor Shepard? Is everything okay?" I hear Ross say, as he is standing in the ambulance bay

"Take Zola to daycare, and page OB and General down to the pit, its for Meredith Grey." I say, as I pick Meredith up off the seat. She is looking paler now, and she is hardly awake. "Mer, stay awake." I say, as I put her on a gurney. "Meredith Grey, pains in Torso." I yell as Bailey and Addison runs up to me.

"Derek!" Bailey states in disbelief. "You have to help her, please." I beg. "Okay, but you need to go into the waiting room, and wait for us to finish this up. "okay, PROMISE, you will keep me updated?" I ask, as she rushes her into the Trauma Room. "Promise." is all I hear her say.

I walk to the waiting room, in shock. Was she under stress? I mean we did have that huge fight, what if thats what caused this. I knew deep inside, I still couldn't forgive her, but right now, I need to worry about the baby.

I am still mad about the trial, but for right now I need to worry about my baby, and my wife.

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