Chapter 2

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Previously on MerDer - Happily Ever After?

I walk to the waiting room, in shock. Was she under stress? I mean we did have that huge fight, what if thats what caused this. I knew deep inside, I still couldn't forgive her, but right now, I need to worry about the baby.

I am still mad about the trial, but for right now I need to worry about my baby, and my wife.


Meredith's POV

The last thing I remember is Derek screaming, and taking me out of the car. I couldn't hear what he was screaming though. I wake up to a lot of people screaming and poking me with needles. My head is in a neck brace, but I don't know what to say.

"Derek!" I croak. "Meredith, you need to stay calm, we are trying to see if we can find your baby's heartbeat." I think its Bailey's voice, but its muffled. I can't hear it very well. "I-I wan-n-t De-er-e-k." I mumble out.

He may still be pissed at me for ruining his trial, but for some reason, he is the only person I want by my side right now. "Somebody go find Derek Shepard, and bring him in here, BUT you tell him he is to be quite, and just stay by Meredith." Bailey instructs Ross.

"Got it." I hear him say, and then I hear the door close.

Derek's POV

My face is cupped in my hands. What if I loose her. I can't loose her. I think to myself.

"Dr. Shepard?" I hear ross call out. "Ross?" I ask, getting up and going to him. "Your wife woke up, and she wants you." he says. "But, you must stay quite in their if you want to stay in there." Ross states. "Okay, take me too her." I say, following him into the ER.

I need to see her, I need to be there for her. Ross opens up the Trauma Room door. "Mer" I croak out for lost words, and I go up to her head. "Der-r-ek-k." she cried. "It's gonna be okay." I say, as she looks up for me.

"Everyone shut up, I am looking for a heartbeat." the OB yells out. The room becomes completely silence. Then the room fills with a sound of a heartbeat. "Oh god." Meredith cried out. "Mer, its okay." I whispered in her ear, then kissing her forehead. Me and her where both crying our eyes out.

"Okay, lets go get her admitted." Bailey sighed in relief. "Everything is going to be just fine Mer." I say, kissing her temple.

About an hour later, they had gotten her all set up in the room. I for one, wasn't going to sleep anytime. The OB said that this was caused because of stress. Right then, I was engulfed with regret. I knew why she was stressed out.

It was because of me. I was yelling at her, and she couldn't take it. Now she is lying in a hospital bed, and she was also lying on the floor for some while. I wasn't there when it started. But I knew who was.

I start walking to the stairs, and go on the floor with my daughters daycare on. I walk into the room, filled with colors, and light, and look for my child. I see her in the corner, sitting there. I can tell she is scared. She is scared for her mother.

I walk over to her, and once she sees me, she runs up to me and hugs me. "Daddy!" Zola yells. "Zo, how about we go up and see mommy." I say, picking her up. "Zo, can you tell daddy, what happened?" I ask her, as we are climbing up the steps.

She stops dead in her tracks. "Well, she came down the stairs, and asked me what she wanted for breakfast. I said Cereal. Then on the she grabbed a bowl, that was on the top shelf." she says, think about what happened next. "Well, then, uhm, she reached up, but when she got the bowl, she dropped it and started yelling pain." she says, looking at the ground now.

"It's okay Zo, mommy is going to be okay." I bellowed, tears now forming in my eyes. "You where very brave," I say, trailing off. "Can I go see mommy now?" she asks, tears streaming down her face. "Of course." I say, hugging her, then picking her up.

She puts her head in the crease of my neck, and she just lys there. I walk up to her room, and as soon as Zola sees her, I put her down, and she runs over to her. "Mommy!" she yells. "Look at my girl." Meredith says, trying to pick her up. I run over there, and pick her up, and put her on the bed.

"Thanks." she says, looking at me. "Mer, look, I am sorry." I say, sitting down in the chair by her bed. "Der, it's okay, I know you didn't mean for any of this to happen." she clarifies, and grabs my hand.

"We have to stick together, promise?" she says, waiting for me to reply. "I will be by your side 24/7." i reply, taking her hand, and kissing it. "Come here." she says, moving to the other side of the bed, and patting for me to come over.

I do as she says, and I climb into bed with my wife and daughter. Tears start streaming down my face, as I look over at Meredith. "Shh, don't cry, its going to be fine." she says, running her hand through my hair.

"I should have been there" I cry out. "And you weren't, but it is okay, cause you here now, and you are going to stay here." she says, embracing me.

"I love you so much Meredith Grey." I breath out. "I love you to Derek Shepard." she says. I kiss her temple, and I snuggle with my wife, and little girl.

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