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    Have you ever known someone that you hated so much that they made you want to bang your head against the wall? Well, I have. And that said person is Harry. Harry Styles.

Saying his name made me angry.

I couldn't stand him, and he couldn't stand me. But I've always had to deal with his dumb self because in high school, he was my best friend's boyfriend's best friend. It's a mouthful to say, I know.

He would always play pranks on me and mess with me, being annoying as usual. We first met when my best friend, Arabella, and her boyfriend, Zayn, tried to get us together. Spoiler alert! It didn't end well. So, we've pretty much hated each other ever since.


*8 years earlier*
    Today was the day that I finally graduated high school. After a long four years, I was finally done! The ceremony was perfect and I got my diploma and I couldn't be happier.

Arabella ran over to me and gave me a big hug. "We did it!"

Once we separated, Zayn came over to Arabella, picked her up, and spun her around. Arabella giggled and hugged him. It was cute and all until they started making out. I suddenly felt an arm on my shoulder. I looked up to see that it was none other than Harry Styles.

"Well, can you believe it, Snorlax? We graduated." He said with a smirk on his face.

I rolled my eyes at him. No, my name was not Snorlax. Harry just calls me stupid nicknames because I was overweight. Like Thicky Minaj, Thightanic, Butterball, and a bunch of other dumb names.

"My name is Avery, Harry. You're obviously too stupid to even know that." I told him as I took his arm off my shoulder.  

He glared at me and I smiled triumphantly.

"Well, I should probably go home and finish packing to go to college." Harry informed me.

"Wait, you're leaving?" I asked him, quite excited.

He nodded. I then fist pumped the air and started to dance.

"Woah, Count Fatula, there's no need to do all... that." He said looking disgusted with my dancing.

I didn't care that he was making fun of my dancing, I was just so happy that Harry was leaving and I didn't have to see him anymore.

Arabella and Zayn then came over to us, holding hands.

"We're going to miss you, Harry." Arabella said as she went up to hug Harry.

Zayn hugged Harry too. I stood there rolling my eyes. I wasn't going to miss him. My life would finally be Harry free.

"Yeah, yeah, we'll miss you, blah, blah, blah. Harry has to go home and finish packing, so let's move this along!" I said trying to hurry them up.

Harry then waved goodbye before leaving and I started to dance again.


     Once I got home, I laid on my bed with a smile on my face.

No more fat jokes, no more of his terrible jokes, and definitely no more Harry Styles.

~ Hope you enjoyed the prologue of my new story! I'm really excited about this story, I've even already written 8 chapters :P ~

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