Chapter 29

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"Serena! Come on, get up! They're going to tell us the results of who's fighting against the Defiance!" A voice sounded through the door, waking Serena up out of her sleep.

Serena whined, rolling out of bed onto the floor. She heard Rosemary yelp with surprise. "I'm coming," she groaned, pushing herself up off the floor, changing, and going to the door. She swung it open to reveal Melanie, Tawnee, Gina, and Jasper standing there, waiting for her. "Oh, hey guys."

Melanie grabbed at her arm, Tawnee at the other, and dragged her forward, leaving Gina and Jasper stunned as they hurried to catch up with the speeding girls.

"So, what's going on with you and Jasper? He's practically glowing since last night in the courtyard," Melanie whispered, a grin on her face.

"Did you kiss him yet? Like honestly, you guys should just kiss and get it over with--"

Serena's face went red. "What are you talking about? Nothing..nothing happened!"

Melanie snorted and shook her head. "That's a lie! Something happened, look at the boy!"

As if on cue, the three looked back to see Jasper smiling brightly, eyes shining. He looked up and met Serena's eyes, who looked away.

"See? Something happened."

"Okay fine--it's not that big of a deal, Gaia. I just...kissed him on the cheek," Serena mumbled, stumbling when Tawnee and Melanie stopped in their tracks.

"You fucking what?" Tawnee said loudly, earning glares from people walking past them to the room.

"Shh! Not everyone has to know--I just...did it, okay? It felt natural!" Serena hissed, keeping an eye on Jasper and Gina.

"Oh my god it's happening, Melanie, this is the best day of my life--unless it was happening to me and a guy--but that's not the point and..."

Serena rolled her eyes as the two girls bounced around, more excited than she ever was in her life. She didn't understand why. "Are we going to get a move on?"

Melanie smiled brightly before composing herself, bobbing her head. "Yeah, let's go. Tawnee?"

Tawnee glanced behind her and then nodded, following Serena and Melanie through the rest of the hallway. They reached the room and sat down, Melanie in the middle with Tawnee on the left and Serena on the right.

When Jasper and Gina came in, Tawnee waved them over. Serena cursed under her breath and watched as Gina sat down next to Tawnee, while Jasper sat next to her.

"Hey, Serena! You just bolted like that and I was wondering if everything was okay?"

Serena turned her head to face Jasper, opening and closing her mouth. Why couldn't she find the words to say to him? Gaia, she must be acting like a total fool. "Um...yeah! Everything is great! I just got tugged away by Melanie and Tawnee. They wanted to know how the training went and I never talked to them....last....night..." she stopped, trying not to blush at the memory.

It wasn't even that big of a deal to Serena until Tawnee and Melanie started to jump around like rabbits at the ordeal.

Jasper grinned at Serena, sending her heart into overdrive. It was the smallest things that made her want to drown in a puddle on the floor anymore. "Are you excited? I'll be really disappointed if you don't get in--but I'm sure you will!"

Serena nodded, staring at her hands. How was he so calm about this? She shook her head, a look of determination on her face. She needed to focus on the task at hand, not at Jasper's cute grin or the way he looks at her or--

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