Chapter 13

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Serena opens the door and ushers Ian inside, shutting it behind him. He walks over to the chair and sits, brushing his hands on his orange cloak nervously.

"Before we get to the bad news, how's Jasper doing?" Ian asked.

"He's...sleeping right now," Serena said, dropping to her feet to pick up the larger clay shards. She felt Ian's eyes on her and wondered when the question was going to be asked.

"What happened here?" Ian finally said. Serena sighed and dropped the pieces into the trash can nearby. "It looks like a train wreck."

"An intruder, again," Stella explained, walking over to Ian and putting a hand on his shoulder. Ian grabbed it and squeezed before letting his hand drop back onto his lap. "Nothing was stolen this time, thanks to Serena."

"Hey guys! Whoa...what happened here?"

Everyone turned their head towards the opened door in Serena's room. There stood Jasper, groggy but wide eyed and all smiles.

Serena felt a wave of relief wash over her. She'd have to explain to him later what happened to him--unless he already knew and just wasn't letting on, but that wasn't like him.

No one answered him. Instead, Ian cleared his throat, directing their attention back on him. "Anyways, now that we have Jasper here as well, I'll tell you what's happened."

Serena sat down on the floor, Rosemary sat on her left, Jasper plopped down on her right. "What's wrong?"

Ian shifted in his seat, obviously uncomfortable and worried. Seeing him like that made Serena nervous, made her uneasy. He's rarely so fidgety.

"Erik's been spotted around this area."

Serena felt as if the world fell under her. She stared at her hands as Ian started to talk about where, when, and how he could've gotten here. She wasn't listening anymore.

He was here. On Earth. He could find her and Rosemary and Jasper. "Erik?"

Ian jerked his head up. "Yes, Erik. Do you remember--"

"Yes, I remember Erik," Serena snapped, gritting her teeth. "How could I forget that bastard?" Serena stared at her broken window and shook her head. She had a hard time taking walks at night now--every little noise brought her back to Erik and his shadow. "How do you know? sure?"

"We made Chase keep an eye on him, since we're trying to get him back into custody, and Chase said that he saw him around here, snooping," Ian smiled, but it was more forced than anything. "I understand that this would make you paranoid, Serena, but I just wanted to make sure that you--"

"That what? I was safe? Ever since I got into this whole mess even breathing hasn't been safe for me."

Rosemary tugged at Serena's sleeve, not wanting this to turn into a fight. "Serena, dearest--"

"Shut up, Rosemary. I'm sick and tired of being treated like a child about my safety. I understand that I'm never going to be safe until this thing is over and--"


Serena snapped her head up towards Jasper, who was pointing out the window. There stood the same woman from before, waving. The woman gave a motion to look down and they did.

Shit. Serena covered her mouth, but it was too late. She felt her limbs go numb. Ian and Stella slumped onto the floor. Clark soon followed, and Serena fought to keep her eyes open. She fell to the floor, sleep overwhelming.

Not again. This can't happen again. She wanted to shut her eyes, to sleep. Serena watched as Rosemary landed on the floor, eyes shut peacefully. This was anything but a peaceful method to sleep, though.

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