12: Everyone needs to break

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"If I have to." Ultron all but shrugged, turning slowly to face the three superheroes. Pietro and Wanda's eyes flickered over Stark while Ruby and Crystal watched all three men, preparing for any attack they could begin.

"We don't have to break anything." Thor tried to reason, holding his hammer up slightly.

"Clearly you've never made an omlet."

"He beat me by one second."

"Ah, this is funny Mr Stark." Pietro joined in, stepping forward and gesturing to the weapons that lay on the level below. "It's what, comfortable? Like old times?"

"This was never my life."

"Whatever helps you sleep at night." Crystal piped up, folding her arms tightly over her chest.

"You four can still walk away from this." Captain Rodgers spoke up, his eyes directed on the four enhanced who stood close together.

"Oh, we will." Miss Maximoff assured.

"Don't you worry about that." Ruby added.

"I know you've suffered." Steve tried again.

"I wouldn't call it suffering." Glimmer shrugged slightly

"Call it growing as a better person." Mimic finished.

"Captain America." Ultron took over, pushing in front of the four young people. "God's righteous man, pretending you could live without a war. I can't physically throw up in my mouth but-"

"If you believe in peace then let us keep it." The God of thunder spoke, his voice low and menacing.

"I think you're confusing peace with quiet." Ultron responded dully, tilting his head slightly to the side.

"Yuh-huh. What's the Vibranium for?" Crystal fought the urge to roll her eyes at the billionaires question, unfolding her arms and resting them by her sides, swinging closely to the twins own hands.

"I'm glad you asked that, because I wanted to take this time to explain my evil plan!" Seconds later several Iron Legion bots burst through the sides of the ship, all of them taking on the three superheroes.

"There's more!" Crystal spoke as Pietro ran off to join the fight, leaving the three woman at the back with Ultron. "There should be three more."

"The assassins." Ruby whispered darkly before taking off, Crystal following behind her as Wanda waited for orders from Ultron. Suddenly the red haired assassin dropped from the level above, kicking Mimic down to the floor and going for Glimmer. The sixteen year old dodged several attacks before delivering her own, slamming her fist into the woman's side to knock her off balance slightly. Ruby soon jumped up, kicking the Russian and watching her fake injury for several seconds.

"Ruby? Crystal?" A voice from above spoke, causing the pair to look up. Clint Barton stood in a hidden room, two arrows notched in his bow and aimed at the two blondes. The three held their gazes for several moments, Crystals wings opened out wide defensively. Before he could fire the archer turned on his heels and pulled out another arrow from the quiver, attaching it to something behind him. As a cry of pain echoed Crystal took off towards the room while Ruby flickered her eyes back down to Natasha.

Ms Romanoff had dragged herself to the wall, her eyes cloudy as she seemed to stare lifelessly into the distance. Red surrounded her iris slightly, confirming Ruby's unspoken thoughts of Wanda having something to do with her no longer attacking.

Pietro sped backing into the old boat, his eyes scanning the area quickly in search for the seventeen year old he had known for several months. When he finally found her she was stood over the red haired assassin, a thoughtful look on her face. Without a word the speedster scooped the blonde up in his arms and ran from the fighting arena, hurrying outside to where he had left his sister and Crystal. "What was that about обезьяна?" Mr Maximoff asked the blue eyed girl.

Miss Jackson shook her head at the male before kneeling in front of Wanda who was being held up by Crystal and Pietro as he made his way over. "What can I do?"

"Ah, it hurts." Whimpered the brunette, leaning forward while clutching the pairs hands.

"Breathe Wanda, you have to breathe through it." Ruby commanded, looking the girl in the eyes.

"I'm going to kill him. I'll be right back."

"It's not worth it Pietro, not right now!" He turned to look at the curly haired blonde, her green eyed pleading with him not to go. With a nod Pietro turned back to his twin who seemed ready to talk more as she shook her head a few times.

"No. I'm over it. I want, I want to finish the the plan." Each enhanced flickered their eyes towards the Quinjet that lay out in the open, Bruce Banner stood on the cargo door with his hand resting on the bar above. "I want the big one."

"Are you sure?"

"Pietro I'm fine." Miss Maximoff argued, standing up fully before pulling Ruby up off the ground. "I was just an unexpected jolt of electricity."

"What sort of arrows does that old man have?"

"All sorts of things." Crystal answered before grabbing the silver haired males hand and tugging him into a bush to hide as they came closer to the jet. Wanda and Ruby walked just ahead, their bodies low as they advanced towards the oblivious doctor. "He has an arrow for everything." Miss Evans finished before stopping in her tracks, watching as Ruby snuck Wanda closer without being noticed. Pietro watched silently as his sister worked her magic on the man who was hiding a beast.

Moments later Banners breathing became heavy, his shoulders rising and falling quickly as his skin became a sickly green colour. Quickly Ruby pushed Wanda out of the way, diving into the bushes once more as the Hulk revealed himself in full light. "We did it." Wanda breathed in shock, hurrying over to hug her brother tightly in excitement. The Duo nodded towards one another before leaning against one another, watching as the Hulk disappeared from sight.

"Now we wait." Ruby grinned.

(A/N: Firstly I'm so sorry it's later again! College has been giving me a lot of work so I've had to keep up with that so I don't fall behind. But it's finally here!

Also the picture [if it's loaded in] is what my kitten does every time I try to get things done. I love her too bits but she's clingy, my little Belle.

Hope you've enjoyed. I'll try and get the updates closer together but I can't promise anything sorry.

обезьяна means Copycat.)

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