He sat at the table while I went to the plates cupboard and tried to reach for one more. I had to stand on my tiptoes, but I finally got it. Next were the glasses, which were even higher up. I climbed on the counter, but I still couldn't get to them. I groaned. "Can you help?" I asked Bucky over my shoulder. Glancing over, I saw him sitting on a chair, both hands behind his head and a very satisfied look on his face. "I'd much rather just sit here and enjoy the view", he stated casually. My jaw dropped at his words and I felt my entire face going red. I realized that the shirt probably lifted up as I was reaching for the glasses. "Just shut up and help me get the damn glasses, you asshole", I scoffed. I heard him chuckle as he got up from his chair. His arm wrapped around my waist and he pulled me from the counter and put me down on the cold floor, then reached up and took two glasses from the cupboard with ease. I rolled my eyes and went to sit at the table, while he got some Nutella and milk.

"Do you maybe want to wake Steve up and ask him to join us?" I asked once he sat down. He looked at he with both eyebrows raised. He thought about it for a second. "Actually, I was hoping we could eat alone", he said, looking down at his plate. "If that's okay with you", he added quickly. I nodded. "Okay, cool."

We ate in silence for a bit. It was calming and not at all awkward, but I still felt like I needed to say something. "I missed this", I blurted out suddenly. Bucky looked up, then smiled. "Me too." There was a small pause before he continued. "I'm sorry I spend so much time with Steve."

I raised my eyebrows. "No, Buck, don't apologize. He's your best friend, for god's sake." I gave him a reassuring smile, which he returned, but only for a second.

"He's been giving me advice", he said after a moment. "on stuff that I never thought I'd need advice on." He laughed ironically. "And I, uh... I actually have to tell you something."

I put another piece of pancake in my mouth and nodded. "Go aha", I said, my mouth full. He opened his mouth to speak, but then the ends of his lips twitched upwards and he chuckled, showing all of his teeth.

I smiled too. "What?" I asked through the mouthful. He just laughed again and leaned over the table, his arm stretched out. He cupped my face with his hand and wiped his thumb under my lip. He showed me his thumb, which was covered with Nutella, then licked it off. I laughed as he leaned back. "That was sweet", he said.

"Yeah, that's Nutella", I said sarcastically.

"That, and it was on your lips", he added, smirking.

Before I could even answer, I was interrupted. "You two are gonna make me puke", Tony said loudly. He was standing at the doorway, holding his phone. He stared at Bucky and me, then went to the counter to get coffee. "This means you're each other's dates for the party tonight, I presume?" Tony asked as he took a mug from a cupboard. I felt my entire face burning up. I glanced at Bucky, whose face was also bright red. "We're not dating", I told Tony. He looked up from his phone for a second, raising his eyebrow. "You're wearing his shirt", he observed.

There was no explanation for that, at least none that Tony would believe. "We're not dating", I simply repeated, getting up and taking the dishes to the sink. I could feel Tony's eyes following me. "Eyes up, Stark", I heard Bucky say in an almost angry voice, which made me smile. I turned around to see Tony glaring at Bucky.

"Maybe you could match your tie to her dress, Frosty", Tony said sarcastically before sipping his coffee.

I rolled my eyes. "Or maybe you could match your tie to the black eye I'm about to give you", I said with a fake smile. Bucky smirked and Tony shot me an annoyed look.

"Whatever", he said promptly. "I'll see you both tonight. Hopefully together. You two are sickishly cute", he said and walked off to the elevator, probably to go to his lab.

We were alone again. Bucky helped me clean up for a bit, then we headed to our rooms. Right before I walked off to my room at the end of the hallway, he grabbed my wrist, making me turn around. "I was thinking", he started, obviously nervous. "Maybe we could go together to that stupid party tonight." My heart skipped a beat and for a second I couldn't do anything other than stare at him. "I mean, it would probably be less stupid if we're together", he added quickly.

My stomach was flooded with butterflies and my heart was about to burst out of my chest. I smiled. "I'd like that, yeah", I said sincerely. He smiled back. "But we're not matching our clothes", I added quickly. He laughed. "Deal. I'll see you tonight." I nodded and walked slowly to my room, waiting to hear him shut his door. The same second he did, I ran to Natasha's room and started knocking. She opened the door after a minute. She clearly just woke up. Her hair was big and messy and there were dark bags under her eyes. "What?" she scoffed. I let myself in and jumped on her bed. She followed, burying her face in a pillow.

"I think I have a date tonight", I said. I heard her groan, although it was muffled by the pillow. She propped herself up on her elbows slowly. "Barnes finally grew a pair?", she asked. She smirked when I didn't say anything. "Don't worry. I'm gonna make sure you steal everyone's heart tonight", Natasha winked, making me laugh. "Thank you", I said and, giving her a quick hug, I went to leave the room. Just before I exited, I heard Nat ask "Isn't that his shirt?" I didn't answer.

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