CHAPTER 63: The Meeting

Start from the beginning

Bodyguards didn't require saying goodbyes to their employers, did they? I didn't freaking care. My breathing rate scuttled back to normal just as Alex's sped out of the villa.

As we passed by rows of shiny white villas, Alex fondled with the steering wheel while peeking at my forearms which rested on my tights. His expression transformed to an edgy look of mock concern and sympathy. I knew too dang well what's going on in his mind.

Not giving him a chance to elaborate on his thoughts, I bounced into a light conversation hoping to divert the subject. "How did you end up in Chicago? I thought your meeting was yesterday at the HQ."

His lips pressed into a thin line. "It was." He loosened his bizarrely short navy, polka dotted tie. "In a few minutes, I'll be meeting a possible new investor who is interested in collaborating with us on our projects."

I pretended to be interested in his projects to alter the mood in the car. "New investors, huh? It sounds like a huge deal."

The crease above his brows diminished a little as he answered, "It is. Dad was supposed to lead the meeting but due to the sudden storm, his flight was cancel. So, I'm here on his behalf."

"I thought all the roads were closed." It was my turn to frown. "How did you get out of New York in such a grungy weather?"

"You know how dad is. If he wants something, he gets it."

"Yeah, but it still doesn't explain how you're here."

"Dad pulled some strings. This deal is too important for him to lose it."

The way his lips twisted to the side, I knew he was hiding something from me. "But-"

"Enough about me." The car came to a stop at a lofty, cylindrical metallic building. His head curved to the side, "Hannah, I can see it in your eyes. You're hurt. These bandages are enough to say it all." He stared at his Rolex, huffing. "Shit, I'm late. I want to know every little detail but that will have to wait." He grabbed his leather suitcase from the rear seat and hurried out of the car.

" He grabbed his leather suitcase from the rear seat and hurried out of the car

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I got out as well, observing Alex. He flung the keys to the valet boy. The teenage boy caught it with ease. This building screamed formality. Unlike Alex, I wasn't dressed in my most expensive gray suit. My feet hesitated to move along.

Alex stopped walking and whirled around, "Come on, Han, hurry up."

Gradually, I sauntered towards him. The automatic glass door parted ways to welcome us in. We entered inside the venue. Alex dashed to the receptionist desk. "Good afternoon, I'm Mr. Peter. I have a conference with Mr. Schizo and the Darcy Group."

"Afternoon, Mr. Peter. They're waiting for you." The woman, who appeared to be in her forties, handed him a black card with a golden chip along its edge. "The elevator is straight on your right." She pointed at the card, "Insert the card in and press 8."

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