Eva's p.o.v/ I wish he was you.

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"You don't even seem to know how you been messing with me,"

                                    Chris Brown

"Yeah we're definitely ready," I stated as I collapsed back on the couch, taking off my work glasses. I took a long sigh of relief.

Cameron glanced at me seriously.

"So you think I can get ma son back?".

"Yeah," I retorted. "I mean we have all this paperwork so I'm pretty confident,".

Cameron stopped looking at me for a minute as he stared off into space.

"I hope lil Mane remember me,".

I lightly rested my hand on his back causing him to shift uncomfortably. I removed my hand cautiously.

"He'll remember you," I assured him as I scooped the papers off of the table and placed them neatly in my briefcase. "I'm gonna go pick up Zarina,".

Cameron stood up at the same time I did.

"I can drive you?" He offered.

"Okay," I said as I walked out the door.

I hopped into the passenger side and watched as Cameron smoothly slid into the driver's side.

He cranked on his radio, letting the popular new song 'Show Me' by Kid Ink blare through the speakers.

He drove off, humming along to the song.

I giggled as I watched him bop his head excitedly and sing along.

"You got a nice little voice,".

He kept his eyes on the road as he mumbled a simple "Thank you,".

I awkwardly stared out the window as we passed familiar sites.

A moment later I felt Cameron softly grab my hand. I looked down at our hands intertwined casually, then I looked up at him.

"You looked mad,".

"No, I'm just thinking," I said as I pulled my hand from his. "I miss Jashaun,".

He didn't say anything he just kept driving as if he didn't hear my remark about missing Jashaun. It's been two days since I've seen him, it felt like forever. We made small talk about unimportant topics until we reached Zarina's school.

Cameron stayed in the car while I walked in, smiling at the parents who were socializing with teachers. I stepped into Zarina's class. A look of confusion and worry spread across my face once I noticed Jashaun holding Zarina in his arms and smiling and talking with Zarina's teacher, Mrs. Graham.

I slowly walked up behind them, clearing my throat to make my presence known. They turned around at the same time, Mrs. Graham grinned energetically.

"You missed the parent teacher conference," She informed me.

I frowned. "Oh I must've forgot, I'm sorry,".

"It's fine," She retorted. "Her father was here,".

I looked at Jashaun, he looked down, his brown eyes glistening.

"Okay," I said plainly as I grabbed Zarina from Jashaun's arms.

I went to walk out, glancing back, I noticed Jashaun was following me.

He didn't look like himself. He had on a gray sweatshirt, with gray sweatpants, some black sneakers, and a black snapback. Underneath his beautiful brown eyes were black marks. I could tell he hadn't slept in awhile. Honestly, he looked depressed.

"Why are you following me?" I asked rudely.

He stared at me, his eyes glossy. "I need to talk to you,".

"I don't want to talk to you," I retorted as I stepped into the elevator. So did he.

"I'm sorry," He croaked.

"Um hum,"I uttered calmly.

I stared at the silver walls instead of looking at him, I knew if I looked at him I would cry. I missed him.

"I know you mad Eva but just let me expla-,".

I cut him off rudely. "Explain what?!".

I could hear Zarina lightly crying. I looked down, picking her up once again.

The elevator made a dinging sound and the doors slowly opened. I quickly walked out, heading towards Cameron's car.

"So you with him now?" Jashaun questioned as his jaw tightened and he attempted to grab my arm but I moved away quickly.

Cameron got out of the passenger seat, poking his head from outside the car,  gazing at me and Zarina.

"You aight?" He asked seriously.

I nodded my head as I scurried off towards his car, pushing Zarina inside.

"Let me guess. You her new man now?" Jashaun asked Cameron.

Cameron ignored him as he got back into the car.

Jashaun fiercely pushed me onto the side of the car, hovering over me. His rage was taking over.

People stopped and watched us. Their eyes widening in horror and fear. 

"You're making a scene," I whispered to him.

"Give me back my chain!" He demanded as his fingers wrapped around the chain dangling from my neck.

Cameron suddenly stepped In between us, shoving Jashaun from in front of my face.

"Fuck wrong wit you Mane?".

Jashaun smirked angrily at Cameron.

"Fuck you!".

All of the drama that was taking place caused me to bend over, vomiting on the cemented floor in the parking lot.

Police sirens sounded in the distance. Jashaun looked around nervously before he hurried away, looking back briefly.

Cameron kneeled down beside me, pulling my hair back kind heartedly.

"C-ca m-m-meron I'm f-fine,".

I coughed viciously as I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand.

"Nah you ain't aight," He disagreed as he helped me into his car.

I fell in love with a young thug....now what?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora