Ughhh stop acting like a little bitch.

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"How I'm feeling it doesn't matter, cuz you know I'm okay".
        - Drake

I stared at Jashaun from across the table, he stared back at me with angry intensity.

"Are ya aight?" Donte asked as he nervously looked between us. "Cuz ya look like ya wanna kill each other,".

A loud thump under the table followed by Donte wincing in pain caused quietness to become present again.

"Can ya excuse me for a minute?" Jashaun asked.

Before anyone could speak he was already leaving the table.

"Um Ima go with him," Donte said as he scurried after Jashaun, persistently asking him 'What's wrong?'.

Once they were far enough, Ali decided to speak.

"So what's with ya?".

"He's so fucking insecure, I swear he acts like a little bitch!" I spat.

"Woah, when did your language become so.... vulgar?" She chuckled.

"No I'm serious Ali, he gets mad when I speak to another man. He's always jealous. He doesn't even care about how I feel," I said.

"Eva, he's young. He's just afraid that an older man is what you want,".

I remained quiet.

"That's not what you want right?" She questioned.

"I don't know what I want Ali," I responded in annoyance.

"Mommy look at Jay," Zarina said as she pointed to Jashaun socializing with a girl who looked really similar to Jasmine.

"Who's that?" Ali scrunched up her face.

I squinted my eyes to get a better view. "That sort of looks like my patient, Jasmine,".

"Let's go see," Ali said as she slid out of the booth we were sitting in.

I held Zarina's hand as we all made our way over to where Jashaun, Donte, and Jasmine were standing.

"Hi," Jasmine's eyes lit up when she saw me. "What are you doing here?".

"Hey Jasmine," I smiled as I looked at her strangely.

"Eva this is Jasmine, Jasmine this is Eva," Jashaun mumbled as he shoved his hands into his pockets.

"I'm Ali," Ali introduced herself.

"Nice to meet you," Jasmine responded. "Eva my brother is over there you wanna say hi?".

"Yeah su-,".

Jashaun pulled me back towards him. "Nah she good,".

Me and Ali locked eyes and I raised my eyebrow signaling to her that this is what I was talking about. Jashaun being an insecure asshole. I also noticed Jasmine giving Jashaun a weird look.

"Um I'm gonna go," Jasmine said quickly as she walked away.

I turned to Jashaun. "Can I speak to you outside real quick?".

Jashaun shrugged his shoulders as he strolled outside.

"Watch Zarina for me real quick?" I whispered to Ali. She nodded as a response. As soon as Ali took Zarina I walked outside.

Jashaun was leaned against the cement wall.

I stood in front of him with my hands on my hips.

"Jashaun I'm gonna ask you a question and I want you to be completely honest with me. I don't care how much you think it's gonna hurt me, just tell me the truth,".

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