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tw: i was really annoyed when i typed this out so if this comes off as rude iM SORRY

alright so i have few things to say and i think they are important???? idk man you decide but if you read it it'll be great bc then i will not receive as many "confused" questions as i do

(basically i have answered some of ur questions so you aren't as confused alright?)

1) my exams are on full swing right now so idk man i don't think i will be updating frequently (or at all idk maybe) until 30th september so i hope that it fine with you guys

2) now this is definitely really important so pls read

a)why is there so much drama in the book omg are they every going to talk it out? what is even the point?1?1?1???!!?!

right so i really really want to explain this

if i was writing this book thinking of it as an actual traditional unrealistic fanfiction, things would have gone so much differently.

i think what people don't realise is that in actual irl relationships, people are not that quick to admit their jealousy or bring up their problems, and like i am sure none of you would ever tell your friends/family that you're jealous or that you have a problem with a person they like hanging out with.

if there was actually a problem with a person, like if they were bad company then i understand, but here there is absolutely nothing wrong with chris (except for the fact that phil is jealous) but he doesn't treat dan poorly or is a bad influence in any way so like you know?? phil can't just go up to dan and tell him to get rid of chris. that is not how it works.

b) dan and phil are so young why do they have a child like adrian wtf?????


there are younger couples who adopt older children and that is completely normal??? maybe d&p really wanted some company in the house, maybe they had some goals or wanted someone to look after but they did not want to change diapers? maybe they just wanted another person to live with them but a person who they would enjoy taking care of?????

for god's sake there must have been something in adrian right? maybe they thought adrian would be compatible with their life style? everyone has their choices so please, please learn to respect them.

everything does not always have to go in a stereotypical and mediocre way.

c) what is chris' problem???? why can't he leave dan alone???

uH???? maybe because they are colleagues and really good friends and chris cares for him??????

d) why wasn't there any drama in the past few chapters of delivered???

honestly what the hell do you guys want??????? i mean???????????

e) why are they so fucked up smh

my dude

there are many many dysfunctional relationships out there and there is miscommunication and there are problems and if i want to write about them so be it????

like maybe the fanfictions you read just mask out the real life problems but consider this book as a reality check because whatever i am writing is not bullshit.

i have seen it, experienced it, i know what it is like because literally my family is much more fucked up than d&p in this book.

f) are they ever going to talk it out?


maybe phil will confess what he feels towards chris

maybe he will blurt it out

maybe he will just suck it up like an adult and accept that dan and chris are only really close friends

maybe they will talk it out

maybe dan is cheating

maybe they will get a divorce

who fucking knows???

the possibilities are endless and anything can happen so just deal with the miscommunication alright?


3) thanks if you read it all i hope things are clearer now? i just i was really tired of people not getting where the book is coming from and understanding dan and phil's pov's yk???

4) tell me if you want me to do this frequently, like you know when you just can't figure out why the hell things are going a certain way, just text me and i will walk you through it so it is clearer yeah?

have a good day guys
love you from the bottom (dan) of my heart

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