Twenty Six - One Last Hiccup

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Chapter Twenty Six

Ara and I didn't go back to the hospital until 10am the next morning. She slept longer than a few hours and I'd fallen asleep for a couple in Noah's bed. The lingering scent of him was comforting. When I woke up at nine, I had a text from Julia saying he was out of the OR and recovering in Ward 18, room 49. And I had a few missed calls from mom. I rang her back and told her what was happening. She said it was awful but promised to bring Bobby down later in the day to see him. I thanked her and went to Ara's room to wake her up. 

She had a shower and I made us breakfast. When she came downstairs, she dumped some clothes in front of me. "If I have to have a shower, so do you." 

I started to object but she cut me off. "It'll make you feel better. Trust me."

She gave me one of those pointed looks that was identical to Noah's so after sighing, I made my way upstairs. I used Noah's shower and sure enough when I emerged from the hot steam, I was feeling much better. I put on Ara's clothes that had a very strong skate essence before tying my hair up into a high ponytail. As I was about to leave, I spotted my toothbrush still in Noah's holder from when I last stayed here. I laughed to myself in delight and brushed my teeth. 

As soon as Ara and I were both ready, we left for the hospital.

+   +   +   +

The both of us were nervous as we walked through the hospital. We had hoped to be there when he woke up but Julia had already informed us that happened early this morning and now he was just in and out of a recovery sleep. My hands were trembling anxiously and all I could think about was putting one foot in front of the other.

We passed Julia and Marcus on the way up and they told us they were getting something to eat. Ara was about to say some snarky comment about leaving him alone but the tired expression Julia was wearing shut her up quickly.

Noah’s room was at the end of Ward 18 but it was a relief to have it in our sights. Ara and I exchanged an uneasy smile before walking in.

I was shocked at what I saw and the churning in my stomach was immediately back. Noah looked horrible, he was pale and even though he was sleeping, he looked to be in immense pain with his eyebrows furrowed so deeply. He had a large white bandage wrapped around his head and a small scrape on his cheek.

But no, it wasn’t just that, that upset me. It was the fact Ashley Thomas was sitting next to him with tears dripping down her face and her hand firmly in his. She saw us and whimpered. “Oh Arabelle. You’re here. He’s been asking about you.”

Ara looked at me completely puzzled before frowning at Ashley. “What are you doing here?”

“I saw Kyle this morning and he told me what had happened. I was so worried so I came here straight away. Everyone’s down getting food but I didn’t want Noah to be alone. Come and sit by his side, he’ll probably wake up soon. He’s been doing it all morning.”

Ara looked at me once more but I gestured for her to sit down, still utterly confused by Ashley’s presence. Ara sat on the opposite side of Noah and grabbed his hand. I stood awkwardly by the door.

“Clary,” Ashley finally addressed me. “Do you think you could get some water for when he wakes up? He’ll be thirsty.”

I didn’t know what to say or do. Why was she sitting next to my boyfriend crying as if he were her own?

I gaped like a fish out of water, unsure how to proceed. Ashley looked at me so earnestly I didn’t know what else to do. I went and got the water.

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