Twenty Two - The After Party

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Chapter Twenty Two

Surprisingly, I was actually looking forward to the after party. I wasn't going to get wasted or high or smoke cigarettes but I was going to have fun. The party scene was fun, I knew that now, I was just curious to see if it was still fun sober. I'd had those experiences before and they were horrible so I was hoping this was going to be different. Especially since Noah and I were ... kissing? I didn't even know what to call it. I mean, we hadn't exactly talked about a label, not after the reputation he has. 

As we drove in the car, I played some Flume and bobbed my head along to the beat. We were going to my house before we went to Kylie's because I didn't want my dress to get ruined so I wanted to change out of it. Noah also wanted to change out of his suit because he found it uncomfortable. He'd already brought spare clothes because him and JJ planned to go out whether there was an after party or not. 

When I got home, my family were sleeping so we had to creep up the stairs quietly. I grabbed some clothes and disappeared into the bathroom so he could get dressed in my bedroom. In the bathroom, I washed off my make-up because it was making me sticky and re-did my eye make-up using much less product. I left my hair in its bun because it was very simplistic. After that was sorted, I pulled on a plain dress and my trusty Converse. When I was done and hoping that Noah was too, I came out of my bathroom. Thankfully, he was sitting on my bed, fiddling on his phone with his suit in a pile next to him. He was wearing a black beanie, a black jumper and skinny jeans and my stomach kicked a bit because he looked adorable in beanies. I hung my dress up and looked at him. "Ready to go?"

He nodded his head and stood up. "Yup. Just one thing before we go though."

Before I could ask what, he grabbed my face between his hands and kissed me. I wasn't surprised this time because I'd been thinking about kissing him all night so I melted into it almost instantly. 

He pulled back and mumbled. "Okay, let's go."

I frowned in distaste, my eyes still closed. "The party isn't going to run away from us."

Lifting my hand around his neck, I guided his mouth back to mine. I felt him smile against my lips before he started to kiss me back. I didn't realise we'd moved until the back of my knees hit the edge of my bed resulting in the both of us tumbling backwards. He had enough sense to catch himself before he completely crushed me but I just giggled like a little freshman. I blushed a deep red as he loomed over me. "Yeah maybe we should go now before we wake my parents."

He dipped his head and quickly gave me one last kiss. "Okay then, come on."

He stood up and pulled me up after him. Grabbing his clothes, he started out my door and I followed him. We slipped down the stairs soundlessly in hope of not waking my parents. They knew I was going to this after party and they knew I was going to stay the night at Katie's so I was good to go. 

+   +   +   +

The party was in full swing when we got there so Noah parked on the side of the road across from Kylie's house. As we got out of the car, the air was much chillier so I wrapped my cardigan tighter around my body. 

When we got into the house though, it was considerably warmer. I suppose it was the large amount of people crammed into the average sized house. I stuck close to Noah as we squeezed through the throng of teens to the backyard, where Katie said she'd be. Sure enough, sitting on two garden chairs were Katie and Josh. They were both sipping away at beer. I sighed; I really didn't want to deal with a drunk Katie tonight if I was staying at her house. I bit my tongue though, I was just going to have to suck it up and deal with it. 

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