Seventeen - The Dinner

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Chapter Seventeen

This chapter is dedicated to Maria Jose, for making the coolest banner that is now the novel cover. She also gives the best comments so yay! xx

I spent a long time getting ready for the dinner on Saturday night. I spent ages agonizing over what was appropriate to wear and what wasn't. In the end (after many outfit changes), I settled on a spotty knotted blouse, beige skirt and my Windsor Smith white Lilly sandals. I left my hair out and pinned a part of the front section back. I stood in front of the mirror for a while, staring at the necklace around my neck. I contemplated taking it off but something stopped me, so I kept it on. I wasn't sure if that was the best idea but I did it nonetheless. I applied some make-up and just finished in time for mom to yell at me from downstairs. So grabbing a cardigan, I made my way to the car.

It was weird being back at Noah's house especially with my family. As we got out of the car, I was shaking from the nerves. Beside me, Bobby was jumping up and down excitedly. Maybe he'd keep Noah busy the whole night and I wouldn't have to talk to him. 

Following my parents, we went to the front door. We didn't wait very long, only moments after mom rung the doorbell, Julia opened up. She grinned at the lot of us. 'Hi! I'm so glad you could make it! Come inside, please."

We stepped in and their house was just as big as I remembered it. Marcus came out into the foyer and introduced himself to the family. We went through the the dining room where Ara was setting out plates and things. When she saw us, she smiled. "Hello! You must be the Cooke's. I'm Ara, it's nice to meet you all."

Mom introduced us all even though I'd already met her. Julia offered us a drink then Marcus disappeared to get them. She grinned at us. "The boys will in down soon. I'm just making them clean the Den."

"Boys?" I blurted out.

Julia nodded. "Noah's best friend is over from New Zealand. I thought he would've mentioned it."

I shook my head. "I suppose it never came up."

If I was nervous before, nothing prepared me for this news. Two Noah's at dinner tonight. Well, this was going to be interesting. 

Speak of the devil and he will appear. In that moment, the french doors to the dining room opening and in came Noah followed by another boy. I froze to the spot. He was definitely another Noah. 

He had shaggy blonde hair, blue eyes and a perfect tan. He was as tall as Noah and as equally good looking. There was something familiar about him though. 

And that's when I remembered. He was at the party I went to last week and he was sucking face with Zoe Barker. 

Bobby's voice instantly broke me out of my thoughts ."Noah!"

Running over to him, he held his hand out for their secret handshake. They did it effortlessly before Noah greeted everyone. Then he turned to his friend and introduced him. "This is my mate JJ, he's over from New Zealand."

Noah then recited everyone's name before coming to me in which JJ grinned. "Ah, so you're the infamous Clara. I've heard a lot about you."

I blushed like a mad man and my gaze dropped to the ground. Ara took the moment to slap him over the shoulder. "You're a creep just like my brother."

Julia chuckled. "I always wanted another son! Anyway, dinner is almost ready so if you wanna seat yourself at the table I'll bring it out. Boys can you help me please?"

"Yup sure."

As they disappeared into the kitchen, we sat down at the table. I sat in between Mom and Dad. Bobby sat across from me which left seats free for Julia and Marcus to sit at the ends of the table, Noah to sit next to Bobby, JJ to sit on the other side of him and Ara so sit beside Noah

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