Four - The Party Invite

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Chapter Four

Mom drilled me about everything when we got home later that night because Bobby was smart enough to mention Noah. She wanted to know every single detail, she was worse than the girls my age.  I had to reassure her numerous times that we weren’t dating and there wasn’t anything there. She was starting to believe me until Bobby dropped the bomb that Noah had asked me to go to a party. My mom squealed, she squealed in delight, and it was a horrible sight to see. She was bubbling on about what to wear and things like that until I couldn’t take it anymore so I simply walked out on her. Out of the kitchen and all the way up to my room where I locked the door and stayed there until morning.

After a good night’s sleep, I came downstairs in hope mom had gotten over her fan girl stage. She had, thankfully. She still had a gleam in her eye but she didn’t say anything, just served me my usual waffles and bacon. I drizzled on the maple syrup and began to eat. “I’m not going to the party by the way,” I said between mouthfuls. “It’s really not my scene and I don’t know anyone so … I’m not going.”

She deflated. “Oh come on Clara, it’ll be fun!”

“No it won’t mom and I’m not going so just drop it."

"What are you dropping Mrs C?" a familiar bouncy voice said as she walked in. It was Katie and she was smiling at us, stealing a piece of bacon like she did every other Saturday. 

I swatted her hand away and gave my mother the look. The look as if to say don't you dare tell her.

Mom ignored me.

When she told Katie, Katie squealed just like her. It was so embarrassing. She dragged me up to my room and sat me down, demanding I tell her everything starting from the beginning. So I did and it didn’t take very long but the whole time, Katie was trying to contain her excitement. When I finished telling her my story, she jumped off the bed immediately and went over to my closet. “Oh my god. You’re going to need something totally sexy for tonight”

“No I don’t Katie,” I breathed out, slightly frustrated. “I’m not going.”

But he’s Noah Trent and he’s showing interest in you of all people. He’s the most popular thing in our year at the moment and a night with him could take you places.”

I scoffed. “Like where?  To the popular table? Because yes Katie, you got me, that’s my one huge goal in life.”

“No need to be shitty about it,” she mumbled, falling back onto the bed.

I sighed. “I’m sorry. I’m just sick of people telling me how to live my life. I mean, has anyone taken into consideration that maybe I like my life? That I’m perfectly fine with staying home on a Saturday night?”

“You’re right Clara. Sorry.”

I gave her shoulder a friendly squeeze. “It’s fine you silly child. Now, are we going to go shopping or not?”

Katie and I spent the whole day shopping and it was great. We went to a thrift store and I bought a few new pieces that I was happy with. I also bought Bobby a book about Kelly Slater, which I thought he’d enjoy. Well, he could look at the pictures in it at least.

We were driving home when my best friend asked the killer question. “So it’s your 18th next week. What are your plans for it?”

“The same as every year; just a small dinner at home.”

“Are you sure you don’t want to change it up a bit?”

I shook my head. “No not really. I like the idea of a small dinner. Mom makes all the foods I love and it’s the best.”

She laughed. “You and your food. Well what do you want?”

“I don’t anything … nothing. I have everything I need.”

She frowned. “I’ll think of something. It’ll be fab.”

Katie dropped me home, gave me a farewell and made one last attempt at telling me to go to the party. I simple waved her away and went inside. No one was home so I skipped upstairs and locked myself away in my room, hoping to finish The Great Gatsby. I was just getting to a good part when my phone beeped, indicating I had a message. I groaned to myself and rolled over to grab it from my bedside table. When I read the message, I let out a little snort because it was from Noah. ‘the party’s at 62 Beachway Ave. starts at 7, come if you want (:’

I didn’t actually think he’d follow through but seeing the text in front of me proved me wrong. I was expecting his invite to be empty but I guess it wasn’t. Either way, I still put my phone back down on the bedside table and kept reading. I read well into the night, letting the pages consume me, leaving reality and jumping into the world the book had created. It was always my favourite thing to do, ever since I was a kid. Reading was a way of escaping, getting away from everything in the real world and living someone else’s life. People turned to other things and I turned to books. It transported me somewhere else, somewhere better. When I was angry or frustrated, I would always read Where The Wild Things Are and pretend I was Max, leaving my room and going somewhere else to let off all my pent up anger. I would close my eyes and imagine I was somewhere else. Reading has always been my safe haven, the one thing I knew I could rely on to be there for me. When I was reading, I felt free.

It was the same with movies too. Not quite the same as reading, but I loved watching movies. Sometimes, I’d get a headache from reading too much so I’d slip a DVD into my laptop and brainlessly watch that. It was just another way I could escape reality and chill out. I had a few favourites and surprise surprise, a lot of them had derived from books.

I had a couple chapters left of The Great Gatsby when the clock ticked just past nine. I put the book down and lay back on my bed, staring up at the ceiling. I’d read vigorously for the past two hours in hope of distracting myself from Noah’s invite to the party. Truthfully, I really didn’t want to go because parties have never been my scene but a part of me was still curious; about the party and about how Noah would act. He knew I didn’t like parties, I had told him and judging by my personality, it would’ve been quite obvious. So I was curious to see if he’d actually make an effort with me or ignore me completely.  I stared at my phone for a while, contemplating all the possibilities when I made a split decision.

I chucked my phone to the floor, ignored his text and got ready for bed.

I had a headache coming on, I didn’t like parties and I would know no one there. That wasn’t much ground to attend a party, even if it was a super-hot guy that asked me to come. So I made my decision. I wasn’t going.

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Ooooh I bet ya you didn't see that coming! Y'all thought she was going to go, but nope she rejected the invite! She ain't changing for nobody, she's a strong independant woman who don't take nothin from nobody hahaha

Lawlz anyway, tell me what you think? Do you think she was stupid to reject the offer or was it a good move? How do you think Noah will react? Tell meh what you think (:

Photo of Bobby on the side. Love that little ginga ninja. 

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